Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Healthy and hygiene - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Healthy and hygiene - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Healthy and hygiene - Năm học 2019-2020
 -T explains vocabulary : 
 * Vocabulary : -Write down . 
 * Noun: harvest 
 *Verbs: stay up late, take morning exercises, take 
 acre of, don’t eat to much candy. 
 -T has Ss answer questions of A1 . -Group work . 
 -T has Ss compare answers with their partners . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud , other give 
 remarks . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 _ Write down. 
 -T has some Ss read the letter aloud. 
 - T corrects some mistakes. 
 a) They are busy because it is nearly harvest time. 
 b) Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the farm. 
 c) They will go to Ha noi soon , after the harvest. 
 d) Now is Hoa different . She gets up early and does 
 morning exercises everyday. 
 e )Hoa’s mother wants her to: “ do her own washing 
 and ironing” . 
 + Hoa’s mother doesn’t wants her to: “eat too much 
 candy. stay up late and get up early “. 
 * Remember : -Listen and write down. 
 + Your grandfather often works with us. 
 +She gets up early and does morning exercises 
 *Post – reading : 
 -T has Ss ask – answer about personal hygiene . _ Answer. 
 +What do you do in the morning / afternoon / 
 evening ? 
 +Do you brush your teeth in the morning / before 
 bed time ? 
 Consolidation -Content of the letter . -Listen and remember. 
 7’ -Words , phrases about personal hygiene . 
- Learn new words by heart 
- .Prepare Unit 10 A2, A3 
- Drawing experience..... 
 a – e – f – d – g – c – h – b . -Write down . 
 -T teaches vocabulary : 
 * Vocabulary : 
 * Nouns , pants , sandals , -Listen and write down . 
 *Verbs: polish. Iron clothes 
 * Post- listening: -Listen and practice in pairs . 
 -T has Ss look at A3 and introduces . 
 A5 ” This is Nam’s diary . You look at it and work in Ask – answer before class 
 Skill pairs, ask and answer about Nam’s daily routines” . -Write . 
 development -T has some pairs ask – answer before class . -Ask – answer . 
 (speaking and -T has Ss write their diaries . 
 writing) -T has Ss ask – answer about his / her friend’s diary . 
 Consolidation -Daily routine . - Remember 
 7’ -Simple present , simple past . 
- Learn new words by heart . 
- Do exercises II –III page/63.64WB 
- Prepare U nit 10 (A4-A5) . 
 Drawing experience 
 (reading) +Complimentary close : love, lots of love , with 
 much love  
 5’ *Post – reading : -Do exercise . 
 -T writes on the board , has Ss close the books and 
 say the things Hoa close the things she doesn’t do . 
 get up early 
 take morning exercises 
 go to bed early 
 play volleyball 
 clean room 
 wash clothes / eat breakfast 
 TEST - T explains the procedures of the test ( the way to - Listen and do the test 
 choose the answer, the allocated time, the mark scale, 
 15’ the evaluation, etc. 
 - T hands out the test paper, make sure the students 
 get the right sheet A or B 
 - Content of the test and the matrix (enclosed) 
- Learn Remember by heart . 
- Write a letter , tell about what you do everyday for personal hygiene . 
Drawing experience 
 Supervisor’s confirmation 
 Dương Nữ Hoài Tâm 
 Week : . . . . . .23. . . . . . 
 Period : . . . . . 67 . . . . . . . UNIT 10 
 Preparing date: 
 Teaching date: 20-25/01/2020 21 
 +What’s Minh going to do at 10:30 this morning -Pair work . 
 +What happened to Hoa last week ? 
 +How did the doctor help Hoa ? -Answer questions . 
 -T has Ss practice the dialogue . -Practice dialogue . 
 -T has Ss do “Now answers” . -Do exercise . 
 -T has Ss compare their answers . -Compare answers . 
 -T gives correct answers . -Write down . 
 -T has Ss look at “About you” and ask – answer. -Group work . 
Consolidation - T reviews words , phrases about tooth , -Listen and remember 
 7’ toothache . 
- Learn the dialogue by heart . 
- Practice questions – answers again . 
 Drawing experience 
 Week : . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . 
 Period : . . . . . .68. . . . . . UNIT 10 
 Preparing date: 
 Teaching date; 20-25/01/2020 23 
 (listening) * Post – listening : -Group work . 
 15’ -T has Ss work in groups, ask – answer questions 
 +Do you eat a lot of candy ? 
 +How often do you clean your teeth ? 
 +When did you last visit the dentist ? 
 * Pre-reading : 
 -T Now you will read the passage describing the -Listen – guess . 
 meeting between Minh and Dr . Lai will say and 
 do ? 
 * While – reading : 
 -T plays the tape . -Listen to the tape . 
 -T asks : What does Dr . Lai say ? -Answer . 
 B3 -T has Ss read B3 and do ? “Now complete the -Do exercise 
 Skill story” . 
 development -T has Ss compare answers . -Compare . 
 (reading) -T gives correct answers . -Write down . 
 -Group work . 
 15’ -T has Ss play the roles of Dr.Lai and minh . 
 * Post – reading : 
 -T has Ss look at B4 . -Look at B4 . 
 -T has Ss ask – answer about Minh . -Group work . 
 -T has some pairs practice before class . -Pair work . 
 -T gives correct answers . -Write down . 
Consolidation -T reviews the contents of B2, B3 . - Remember 
- Learn new words by heart . 
- Practice B2,B3 again . 
 Drawing experience 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_10_healthy_and_hygiene_nam_hoc.pdf