Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy - Năm học 2019-2020
 school is having a medical check-up . “Can you -Listen to the tape . 
 guess what they will do in a check-up ?” -Listen and write down . 
 * While- listening 
 -T plays the tape . 
 A1 -T explains new words : -Listen to the tape again . 
 Presentation * Vocabulary : -Pair work . 
 * Nouns : a medical check-up, medical records, -Read and translate . 
 height, scale, waiting room, weight. 
 * Verbs:: fill in the medical check-up, measure, -Listen and do exercise . 
 weigh, take one’s temperature, 
 10’ -T plays the tape again . 
 -T has Ss practice the dialogue . 
 -Compare answers . 
 * Post- listening : 
 - -T gives the remember: 
 -Read answer aloud . 
 - Remember : Would you + V  please ? 
 -Write down . 
 -T has some pairs read and translate the 
 dialogue before class . 
 -T has Ss compare their answers with the 
 partners . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 Consolidation - New words , structures . -Listen and remember 
 7’ -Would you + V  
- Learn new words and structures by heart . 
- Practice A1 again . 
- Do exercises I, II, III page 73 
- Drawing experience 
- . ....................................... 
- - Supervisor’s- confirmation 
- Dương Nữ Hoài Tâm 
 Skill -T plays the tape 2 – 3 times, has Ss find out the 
 development missing words . -Practice dialogue . 
 (listening) -T has Ss compare their answers with the 
 5’ partners . 
 -T has some pairs practice the dialogue , others -Write down . 
 give remarks . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 + Ask, how ,your, 50, shorter, me , tall, meter -Write down . 
 45 centimeters, will, nurse ,think, no ,form . 
 -T explains structures : 
 + How tall / heavy + to be + S ? 
 * Post – listening : 
 10’ -T has Ss close the books and answer about 
 Hoa: -Answer questions . 
 +How old is Hoa ? 
 +How tall is she when the nurse measured her? 
 +Does she think she is taller or shorter ? 
 A3 -T has Ss look at A3/108,SB . 
 Skill - -T now you work in pairs, one of you is A 
 development and the other is B look at your copy of the -Look at A3 . 
 (speaking) medical record and cover the other copy . In -Listen to the teacher . 
 10’ turn, A asks B about the missing information 
 and complete the records 
 - . * Vocabulary : 
 Nouns : forenames, surname, male, female 
 + T gives the remember: -Listen and write down . 
 * Remember : -Write down . 
 What’s his height ? = How tall is he ? 
 What’s his weight ? = How heavy is he ? 
 Consolidation - Conversation between Hoa and doctor . -Listen and remember 
 7’ -Structures : How tall  + be + S 
 VII / HOMEWORK: (3’) 
- Learn new words and structures by heart . 
- Write questions about one’s height, weight . 
 - Teacher gives and explains new words 
 10’ - * Vocabulary :* -Listen again . 
 - Nouns : sick note, virus, semester, cold, flu , -Pair work . 
 headache, stomachache. Toothache -Practice before class . 
 - Verbs : to be sick, a little tired, stay inside, -Do exercise . 
 to be absent from 
 -T explains the remember : -Read answers . 
 10’ What’s the matter / What’s wrong with  ? -Write down . 
 - -T plays the tape again . 
 -T has Ss practice the dialogue 
 * Post- listening : . 
 -T has some pairs practice before class . 
 -T : Now you look at “Now answers ” answer 
 the questions in your text book . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 a) Lan didn’t go to school because she bad cold. 
 b) She had a headache . 
 c) Mr.Tan told Lan to stay inside at recess . 
 d) The doctor said that Lan had a virus . 
 + Remember : -Listen and remember 
 Consolidation What’s wrong with  ? 
 7’ What’s the matter  ? 
- Learn new words and structures by heart . 
- Practice B1 again . 
 Drawing experience 
 books and fill in the table . 
 -T has some groups draw their completed table 
 on the board . 
 -T ask : 
 + What was the most common illness ? 
 + What was the least common illness ? 
 -Names of illness . 
 * HOMEWORK: (3’) 
- Learn new words by heart . 
- Practice B2 again 
- Prepare B4 .U nit 12 
 Drawing experience 
 medicines ,symptom, runny nose, slight fever. -Compare answers . 
 B4 * Verbs : relieve , disappear, prevent . catch ,fit 
 Skill ,cure, sneeze, cough. 
 development *Adverbs: un pleasant T has Ss read the 
 (reading) reading silently, then asks a global question . -Listen and write down. 
 -T has Ss answer questions of B4 . 
 -T has Ss compare answers . 
 5’ -T gives correct answers 
 a ) We call the common cold because every 
 year million people catch it. 
 b )They are a runny nose ,a slight fever, 
 coughing and sneezing 
 c )No , there isn’t cure for the common cold 
 d ) The medicine do relieve the symptom 
 e ) Eat well, do exercise, keep fit and stay -Group work . 
 *Post – reading : 
 -T has Ss tell about the common cold . 
 B5 -T plays the tape , has Ss listen, then repeat after - Listen and repeat after the 
 ( 5’) the tape . tape . 
 Play with -T has Ss read B5 aloud . 
 Consolidation - The common cold . - Remember 
 * HOMEWORK: (3’) 
- Learn new words by heart . 
- Retell about the common cold . 
- Prepare A1& A2 Unit 12 
 Drawing experience 
 help - helped 
 remember – remembered 
 take - took 
 send - sent 
 think - thought 
 talk - talked . 
 b) played, talked, bought, worked, sent . 
 4. -T has Ss look at Nga’s diary and complete the -Complete the dialogue . 
 Simple Tense dialogue . 
 10’ -T gives correct answers : 
 + helped my Mom, studied English, watched T.V 
 , played football , stayed at Hoa’s house . 
 5. -T has Ss do exercises : -Do exercises . 
 More, less, + Write new sentences . 
 fewer -T gives correct answers . 
 Consolidation -Simple tense , prepositions , how much is it , -Write down . 
 5’ comparative . -Remember . 
- Review from Unit 7 – Unit 9 . 
 (Grammar + Vocabulary) 
-Prepare unit 10 A1 
 Drawing experience 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_11_keep_fit_stay_healthy_nam_ho.pdf