Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11 - Lesson 2

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11 - Lesson 2
 Week 23
Period 68
 Lesson 3. B. What was wrong with you ? ( B 1)
 • B 1. Listen. Then practice with a partner.
 *Vocabulary :
1. cold ( n) :cảm lạnh
→ have a bad cold 
2. headache ( n) : đau đầu
3. a little tired (adj) : hơi mệt
4. stay inside (v) : ở bên trong
5. sick note (n) : đơn xin phép 
6. virus (n) : vi rút
* Read the dialogue ( page 110 )
*Now answer : ( key )
a) Lan didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick.
b) She had a bad cold , a headache.
c) Mr. Tan told her to stay inside at recess.
d) The doctor said that Lan had a virus.
e) The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note.
Week 23
Period 69
 Lesson 4. B. What was wrong with you ? ( B 2, 3 )
 • B 2. Take a survey.
 *Vocabulary :
 1 have the flu (v) : bị bệnh cảm
2 stomach (n) : bao tử, dạ dày
3 have a stomachache (v) : bị đau bao tử, bị đau bụng
4 semester (n) = term (n) : học kì
→ First semester = 1st semester : học kì 1
→ Second semester = 2nd semester : học kì 2
5 absent (adj) from : vắng mặt
6. illness ( n) = sickness ( n) : bệnh
 *Ask three friends these questions and check the table ( page 111 )
- Were you ever sbsent from school last semester ?
- Were you sick ?
- Did you have a cold / a headache / a stomachache / a toothache / the flu ?
→ What was the most common illness ? 2/. How tall ...? → What ... height?: Chiều cao bao nhiêu?
 How heavy ...? → What’s .... weight?: Cân nặng bao nhiêu?
1. He takes care of his sick grandfather. 
 He looks ________________________________________________________________________
2. We look after the street children 
 We take _________________________________________________________________________
3. You take care of your garden after school. 
 You look ________________________________________________________________________
4. I hate the sound of the drill. 
 I don’t _________________________________________________________________________
5. He hates drinking wine. 
 He doesn’t __________________________________________________________________________
6. We like playing soccer. 
 We doesn’t _________________________________________________________________________
7. She doesn’t like watching TV. 
 She hates ___________________________________________________________________________
8. I hate reading books. 
 I don’t _____________________________________________________________________________
9. How tall are you?
 What’s _____________________________________________________________________________
10. What’s your weight?
 How ______________________________________________________________________________
11. How heavy is she ?
 What’s ____________________________________________________________________________
12. What’s his height?
 How ______________________________________________________________________________
 Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.
Long often eats (1) _________ candy. So he gets a bad (2) _________. He has to see a (3) _________. 
He feels a little scared. He is now sitting in Dr. Mai’s (4) _________. She is very kind. She looks at 
him and calms him. She says: “Don’t worry, Long. You have two small (5)_________. They aren’t 
serious. I’ll fill them. The other teeth are fine”. Then she fills the cavities in Long’s teeth. He feels 
very happy. After that she advises him how to (6) _________ of his teeth.
1. A. lots B. much C. a lot D. many
2. A. backache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache
3. A. doctor B. dentist C. nurse D. artist
4. A. doctor’s B. surgery C. hospital D. house 

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