Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11 - Lesson 5

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11 - Lesson 5
 13- The cold will last for a few days , then your cold will _______after a few days.(appear – 
 disappear- happen)
 14- When you have a _______, your temperature is high. (fever – pain – sneeze – cough)
 15- I have a pain in my head. I have a _____. (stomachache – backache – earache – headache)
 16- Long was absent ______________class yesterday. (of – from –away – off)
 17- She has a pain ____________ her back. (in – on – away – from)
 18- They are waiting _________________ the doctor. (at – for – in – after)
 19- Lan didn’t go to school yesterday . What was wrong _______her?(with – about – of – for)
 20- The students fills ________their medical records and gave them to the nurse. (on – at – in – off)
 21- You ____________ stay inside at recess. It’s cold outside.(ought – have – should – would)
 22- My neighbor bought the material and _______ the dress for me. ( did, made , worked, practiced)
 23- She decided to learn _________________ to sew. ( what, which, where , how)
 24- She makes beautiful dresses. She’s a good____.( dress-worker, dress-doer, dressmaker, dress-
 cutter )
 25- She is a _________ student . She can learn quickly. ( clever , well , different , useful ) 
 26- She thought sewing was a _____ hobby. It helped her to make clothes. ( harmful, useful, healthful, 
 playful ) 
 27- The skirt is too big. It doesn’t ________ me very well at all . ( fit, suit, match , help)
 28- Hoa watched Mrs Mai ___________ her dress. ( do , make, work, practice)
 29- Liz _______ the colorful little fish were the most beautiful. ( thought, ate, bought, put )
 30- She __________ the cap with a picture of a dolphin all day. ( bought, wore, put, thought ) . 
 31- She didn’t want to eat the beautiful fish, so she ate noodles___. (instead , another , other, most ) 
 32- The food was ____________. ( delicious, tired, badly, well ) 
 33- There was a __________ shop near the exit of the aquarium. ( gifts, presents, souvenir, memorials)
 34- We _________ Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. ( came , visited, went, looked )
 35- He’s a new student. Everything is________________ to him.(careful – strange – old))
 36- She is very ________________. She always helps everyone.(scared – kind – serious)
 37- Brushing your teeth is very__________________.(serious – worried – important)
 38- His decaying tooth is very_________________.(kind – serious – important – scared)
 39- I hate the ____________ of the drill.(music – sound – noise)
 40- She looks tired. What’s the ______________ with her?(matter – happen – wrong)
 1. Her ___________is one meter 50 centimeters .(tallness – height – tall – high)
 2. He got a __________________ from the doctor. (paper – note – measure – pain)
 3. The common cold is a common ______________. (sickness – disease – pain – would)
 4. He worked in the hot sun yesterday. Now , he _________ a cold.(takes – makes – catches – keeps)
 5. It is not easy to ___________the height of a baby. (take – decide – measure – cure )
 6. This medicine will help ____________your pain . (cure – disappear – relieve – take off)
 7. The nurse __________________their temperature. (takes – gives – measures – makes)
 8. I need to weigh you . Would you get on the ______, please? (table – bench – scales – chair)
 9. Stand straight please . The nurse wants ________your height.(measure – measuring – to measure)
 10. Coughing and sneezing are ______________of a cold.(measures – signs – signals – symptoms )
 11. Where can I get medicines for a cold ? – At the _____.(bookstore – supermarket – drugstore- 
 police station)
 12. These medicines don’t really _______________ a cold .(kill – get out – give up – cure)
 13. The cold will last for a few days , then your cold will _______after a few days.(appear – disappear- 
 14. When you have _________, your temperature is high. (fever – pain – sneeze – cough) *Structures : 
1/. “So/ , too” : cũng vậy 
 Đồng ý với ý kiến khẳng định. “ So” : đặt ở đầu câu.
  “, too”: đặt ở cuối câu, sau một dấu phẩy.
 So + be/ do / does / did / can/ will/  + S
 S + be/ do / does / did / can/ will/ , too
A. I can speak English.
B. I can speak English, too.
A. I can speak English.
B. I can, too.
A. I am hungry.
B. I am, too.
A: I like films. 
B: I do, too
` *E.g 3 :
A. I can speak English.
B. So can I.
A. I am hungry.
B. So am I.
Note: Nếu là động từ thường, ta dùng trợ động từ “do/ does/ did”.
E.g :
A. I like football.
B. I do, too.
A. I drink coffee..
B. So do I.
A. I went to school by bus.
B. So did my sister.
2/. “Neither/, either” : cũng không
 Đồng ý với ý kiến phủ định.
 “ Neither” : đặt ở đầu câu.
 “, either”: đặt ở cuối câu, sau một dấu phẩy.
 Neither + be/ do / does / did / can/ will/  + S
 S + be not / don’t / doesn’t / didn’t / can’t / won’t/ , either
 *E.g :
 A. I’ m not sick. 
 B. I’ m not sick, either = I’ m not, either.
 A. I don’t live here. 
 B. I don’t , either.
 *Note: Sau “ Neither” không có “not”
 A. I can’t swim.
 B. Neither can I
 A. I don’t smoke.
 B. Neither does my father. Exercises
 I. Choose the right words / Complete the sentences with “ So, Too, Either, Neither”
1. My father goes to work every day and __ my mother.(neither does -. either does -. so does - does 
2. She doesn’t like pork, and _______does her uncle. ( either - so - neither - too )
3. 0h. I don't like pork. _________( I don't like. too - Either do I - .Neither do I -. So don't I)
4. I hate carrots and I don't like peas , __________ .( too -. so - neither -. either)
5. The pineapples are not ripe. ________ are the bananas ( So - Either - Neither - Both)
6. He was busy yesterday and_______ were his brother. (neither -. So -. Too)
7. I will buy a lot of meat for the party. I will buy fruits for dessert, ________.
8. I often do morning exercises. _________________ does mother.
9. My mother doesn’t drink coffee for breakfast and she doesn’t drink tea ________.
10. Mr. Lam often gets up early in the morning. ________ does his wife.
11. Lan doesn’t like fish. Hoa doesn’t like fish, ________.
12. I can play basketball. ________ an my brother.
13. Nam can’t play the piano. ________ can his sister.
14. Tam didn’t have pork for lunch. ________ did Thuy.
15. My brother doesn’t like candy. I ________.
16. Mai doesn’t smoke. They _________________.
17. She can climb that tree. _________________ I.
18. Mary bought the blue one. _________________ he.
19. Jim won’t sign that contract. You _________________.
20. He is drinking tea. They _________________.
21. You will get one present. _________________ he.
22. John didn’t take the magazine. You _________________.
23. I hate cats. _________________ Jack.
24. We will not keep it. He _________________.
25. I don’t drink wine. _________________ they.
26. We should work hard, _________________ they.
27. Lan likes durian and her mother _________________.
28. My father is watching TV, _________________ my mother.
29. I can’t cook. _________________ my friend.
30. He went to Hanoi last week, and his son _________________.
31. They were at the club yesterday. _________________ I.
32. Oranges are good for our health. _________________ apples.
33. Nam didn’t buy the dictionary. _________________ Ba.
34. They don’t like durians, and we _________________.
35. Ba doesn’t like watching ballet. _________________ his siter. 
36. The mango is very tasty. _________________ is the pineapple. 
I.Choose the right words / Complete the sentences with “ So, Too, Either, Neither”
 1. My father goes to work every day and ____ my mother.(neither does -. either does -. so does - 
 does so)
 2. She doesn’t like pork, and _______does her uncle. ( either - so - neither - too )
 3. 0h. I don't like pork. _____( I don't like. too - Either do I - .Neither do I -. So don't I)
 4. I hate carrots and I don't like peas , __________ .( too -. so - neither -. either)
 5. The pineapples are not ripe. ______ are the bananas ( So - Either - Neither - Both)
 6. He was busy yesterday and_______ were his brother. (neither -. So -. Too)

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