Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: Let's eat - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: Let's eat - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: Let's eat - Năm học 2019-2020
 Week : . . . 26. . . . . . . . . . . 
Period : . . . 77. . . . . . . . 
Pre paring date: UNIT 12 
Teaching date: 10-15/02/2020 
 Section A: What shall we eat? (A1, A2) 
 - Talking about food . 
 - Developing speaking skill . 
 - Words relating to fruit, so / too , either / neither . 
 - Questions – answers . 
 - Pair work , group work . 
 IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
 V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
 VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * Warm –up: Sing a song - Sing a song 
 * Pre- speaking : -Look at the picture and 
 10' - T has Ss look at the picture and asks : answer . 
 How many kinds of fruit have you know in 
 English in this picture ? -Make a list . 
 -T : Now you continue looking at the picture and 
 A1 make a list of the fruits which you haven’t 
 known their English name in Vietnamese . -Listen and write down . 
 Presentation -T gives new words : 
 * Noun : chicken, beef , pork , pea, carrot , 
 -Listen – guess 
 spinach , papaya cucumber , pineapple , durian 
 meat stall, a selection of. Fruit stall, Vegetables 
 -Listen to the teacher . 
 stall, a good selection, a wide selection 
 -T : Yesterday Hoa and her aunt went to market 
 . Can you guess what they bought ? 
 * While – speaking: 
 -T : You’re going to listen to a conversation -Listen to the tape . 
 between Hoa and her aunt at the market . After -Listen and write down . 
 hearing the conversation, you will know what 
 they bought . -Make sentences . 
 -T plays the tape (part 1) 
 -T explains new words : of , too, so , either , -Listen to the tape . Week : 26 UNIT 12 
Period : 78 
Preparing date: LET’S EAT 
Teaching date: 10-15/02/2020 
 Section A: What shall we eat?(A3a,A4) 
 - Talking about how to prepare a meal . 
 - Developing reading skill . 
 - Words relating to prepare meals . 
 - Pair work , group work . 
 * Questions – answers . 
 IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
 V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
 VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 * Warm—up: Sing a song “ What do you _ Sing asong 
 want for dinner ? “ 
 *Oral test : T has some Ss write the names of -Answer. 
 food , fruits on the board . 
 * ask and answer questions with a partner. 
 A2 Talk about the food you like. Answer questions . 
 Skill I like pineapples. Do you like them ? 
 development Yes. I like pineapples ,too./ Yes, so do I 
 (listening) No , I don’t like pineapples./ No, I don’t. 
 I don’t like beef .Do you like beef ? -Look at the picture and 
 No, I don’t like beef either ./ No, neither do I answer . 
 Yes , I like beef./ Yes , I do. 
 *Pre – reading : 
 -T asks questions . 
 -Read – answer questions 
 +Do you always cook meals ? 
 +What do you think of this work ? 
 Do you like it ? 
 +What do you have to do when you cook 
 meals. 3’ -Recipe of some dishes . 
 - Learn new words by heart . 
 - Practice Questions – answers again . 
 Drawing experience 
 ............................................................................................................................................ . 
 Make Sb + adj / do Sth . -Do exercise . 
 -T has Ss practice the conversation . 
 -T says Now, look at the “Now complete the 
 story” and complete the passage using the -Compare answers . 
 information in the conversation . -Read answers aloud . 
 -T has Ss compare their answers . -Write down . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud . 
 -T gives correct answers : doctor / sick/ asked 
 / had / spinach / wash / more careful / -Group work . 
 vegetables / make / she . 
 -T gives a question : 
 To avoid stomachache and other food related 
 diseases, what should we do and what 
 shouldn’t we do ? 
 Consolidation - Conversation between Ba and doctor . - Listen and remember . 
 7’ -New words + structures . 
- Learn B1 / 119 , SB by heart . 
- Prepare B2 / 120 , SB : new words+ structures . 
 Drawing experience 
 questions a, b . 
 -T gives correct answers . -Pair work . 
 B3 * Post - reading : 
 Skill -T has SS look at “About you” ask and answer -Answer questions . 
 developing questions . -Do exercise . 
 (writing) -T has some Ss answer the questions . -Compare . 
 10’ -T has Ss look at B3 and write a menu . 
 -T has Ss compare their menu with their 
Consolidation -Advantages of sugar . - 
 7’ -A balanced diet . 
- Learn new words by heart . 
- Write answer to the question : What does “a balanced diet” mean ? 
 Drawing experience 
 Week : 27 UNIT 12 
 Period : 81 
 Preparing date: + What did you eat and drink for lunch -Listen and repeat after the 
 Play yesterday ? tape . 
 With -T plays the tape . -Do exercise . 
 words -Write down . 
 Remember -T has Ss do exercise D / 110, SB . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 1. don’t 4. didn’t 
 2. didn’t 5.didn’t -Remember . 
 -T writes “Remember” on the board then 
 review the usage of “but” . 
Consolidation -Names of food . - Listen and remember 
 3’ -Simple past with “but” 
- Write a menu of a dinner for your family . 
- Learn usage of “but” by heart . 
 Drawing experience 
Week : 28 
Period : 82 
Preparing date: 
Teaching date: 24-29/02/2020 . 
 -T has Ss do -Write down . 
 b) Make up similar dialogues with a 
 Imperatives partners 
 10’ T has Ss look at the pictures/128 and 
 complete the constructions . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 a. peel e. add 
 b. slice f. stir 
 c. wash g. wait 
 d. mix 
- Learn structures by heart . 
- Do exercises again . 
 Drawing experience 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_12_lets_eat_nam_hoc_2019_2020.pdf