Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 4: At school - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 4: At school - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 4: At school - Năm học 2019-2020
 Week : 7 
 Period : 20 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 30/9 - 05/10/2019 
 The Correction Of One- Period Test 
- To help Ss to know what is right or wrong through their test papers 
- To help Ss to review some knowledge relating to vocabulary and grammar notes of units 1, 
2 , 3 
- The students’ test papers remarked by the teacher. 
- The questionnaire and answer key. 
1. Carrying out the questionaire 
 -Ss read sentence by sentence then give the answer. 
2. Teacher gives the keys, explains and corrects the mistakes. 
3. Students write the correct ansers in their notebooks 
4. Teacher comments on the results of the test of the class about the display aand the content. 
- Prepare unit 4: Our past 
- Most of Ss do the test well, they can get the best marks 
- They have difficulty in Writing because they will have no mark if making any mistakes. 
- T should give 02 tests A/B for Ss 
- The result of the test is very good 
 -T introduces Listen to the tape 
 - Today we’re going to study how to ask and answer 
 about the time 
 * While -speaking : 
 -T say you will hear the tape saying different time. 
 You listen to the tape. True or False quiz 
 -T plays the tape . 
 -T has students true or false quiz -look at A1/A2, SB 
 -T corrects some mistakes Repeat after the tape 
 T has Ss look at A1 / A2 , SB 
 -Read aloud 
 -T has students listen to the tape and repeat after the 
 A2 Skill 
 -T has some students read aloud 
 -T teaches vocabulary: -Write down 
 ( speaking) 
 Noun: schedules ,half, quarter Preposition: 
 next to 
 -T gives some examples about the time then she 
 gives the 
 -* Remember: Telling the time 
 *What time is it ? 
 +Cách noí giờ chằn: 
 It’s + số giờ (ordinal number) + o’clock 
 +Cách nói giờ hơn: 
 It’s + số phút + past + số giờ 
 It’s + số giờ + số phút 
 +Cách nói giờ kém 
 It’s+ số phút + to + số giờ -Look at the book and 
 Note : thirty = half ----fifteen = a quarter practice with partner 
 -. T pays Ss attention on : Half , a quarter 
 --T has Ss look at New practice saying the time with 
 a partner . -work in pair 
 -T has Ss practice asking – answering about the time 
 . -work in group 
 -T gives the game :Telling the time 
 2.15 3.30 6.05 7.20 3.25 
 10.15 6.30 2.45 9.25 10.5 
 A2 - T has students work in pair about they: - work in pairs 
 (5’) a. What time do you get up? 
 b. What time do classes start? 
 Week : 8 
 Period : 22 UNIT 4 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 07-12/10/2019 AT SCHOOL 
 Section A : Schedules (A4 , A5) 
 - Talking about timetables and school subjects and regulations. 
 - Development listening speaking and writing skills 
 Nouns: Physics, physical education, subjects 
 * Remember: 
- Present Progressive Tense . 
- -What + be +S + doing? 
- S + be + V- ing 
- What time do you have..? 
- When do you have....? 
- I have 
- Listening and completing the schedules. 
- Questions – Answers. 
- Guessing 
IV- TIME: 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS: Pictures , cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURE: Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ *warm- up : Sing a song “follow me” - Sing a song 
 *-Oral test : 
 T has some pairs ask and answer . 
 What time do you + V_(base form) ? -Answer 
 -T has Ss look at the picture and has Ss say the subjects -Look at A4 and answer 
 A4 in this picture . -Look at the picture and say 
 -T has Ss look at the example and reviews . subjects . 
 * Remember: 
 * Remember: 
 1. What time + do/does + S + V(base-form)? 
 2. When + do/does + S + V (base- form) ? - 
 3. What is + one’s + favorite subject ? 
 4. Structures with “too” Write down 
 5. ”on” + days of week . 
 -T -has Ss work in pairs practice the dialogue . 
 -T -has Ss write their schedules on their notebooks, 
 -T: after finishing writing, use structures in the lesson 
 to ask and answer about your schedule 
 * Post -reading:. 
 -T has some pairs practice asking and answering the Work in pair 
 schedules times) 
 -Practice before class, give 
 remarks . 
 -Write correct answers 
Consolidation -Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses . -Remember . 
 (7’) -Subjects at school 
 -Learn new words and structures by heart . 
 -Prepare A6 in SB 
Drawing experience 
 development + Do you know your daily and weekly schedule? 
 (reading) +Do you usually follow the schedule ? -Look at A5 
 (5’) -T has Ss look at A5/ A4, SB -Listen 
 -T : You will listen to the conversation between Hoa 
 and Thu . They’re talking about their schedules and 
 the subject they prefer . -Listen to the tape . 
 - T plays the tape -Listen and write down 
 (5’) * White- reading: 
 - T teaches : 
 * Vocabulary: 
 + Adjectives: difficult, important -Listen again 
 -T gives True or false 
 -T corrects some mistakes 
 -T plays the tape again (2-3 times) 
 (5’) -T gives some examples then gives remember 
 * Remember: 
 6. What time + do/does + S + V(base-form)? 
 7. When + do/does + S + V (base- form) ? 
 8. What is + one’s + favorite subject ? -Write schedules 
 9. Structures with “too” 
 10. ”on” + days of week . - work in pair 
 -T -has Ss work in pairs practice the dialogue . 
 -T -has Ss write their schedules on their notebooks, -Practicing 
 -T: after finishing writing, use structures in the 
 lesson to ask and answer about your schedule 
 * Post -reading:. 
 -T has some pairs practice asking and answering the 
 schedules times) 
Consolidation -Structures with “too” , “on” -Listen and remember 
 (3’) - Remember with Present simple . 
 * Pre – reading : 
 A6 -T has Ss read the text silently . -Silent reading . 
 -T has Ss decide the statements are true or false. 
 -T has Ss compare their answers with his / her -Compare an answers . 
 partners . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers . -Read answers . 
 Skill -T corrects mistakes and gives corrects answers 
 development a) T 
 (reading) b) F( there are no lessons on Saturday) -Write down . 
 Week : 8 UNIT 4 
 Period : 24 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 07-12/10/2019 AT SCHOOL 
 Section B : The library (B1-B2) 
 -Talking about the location of things in the library 
 -Asking for and giving directions 
 - Developing listening and reading skills . 
* Vocabulary: 
* Nouns: rack, dictionary, reader ,novel, reference book, video room, science books 
*Verb : to follow 
* Preposition: at the back of, on the left, on the right, 
 1. -Where can I find+ name of the books ,please? 
 2. -Do you have + name of the books + here ? 
 3. -Prepositions of position- cấu trúc câu với there/has/have 
 4. There is+ is/are + at + some where 
 5. -S+ has/have + something 
 6. -Demonstrative this /these, that/those 
 Listening for details . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Cassette recorder + tape, pictures . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * Warm- up : Sing a song “ Hello song” ! - Sing a song 
 *- Oral test : 
 T has some Ss write new words on the board -Answer 
 T has Ss Read the text and translate. 
 * Pre-listening : 
 B1 -T has Ss look at the picture part1 (page 47) and asks: 
 Skill 1- What is in the picture ? 
 2- Where do you usually see it ? 
 * Preposition: on the left. 
 -T plays the tape again having Ss repeat after the tape 
 -T says : math books . English books, science books -Write down . 
 They are names of the books . Who can tell me the 
 structure used to ask for the books we want . -Answer . 
 -T writes structure on the board 
 Where can I find + name of book ? -Write down 
 -T says can you tell me another way to ask for the 
 books we want ? 
 -T writes Do you have + name of books ? -Listen 
 -T explains “You’re welcome” , using structure. 
 -T has Ss remember 
 -.Where can I find ? 
 - Prepositions of position Work in pair 
 - Demonstrative this/these, that/those -Practice before class . 
 -T has some pairs practice the dialog before class. 
 * Post – listening : 
 -T hangs the picture of B1 and explains 
 Here is the library , can you make new dialogue ask 
 and answer about the positions of the books ? 
 -T has some groups perform before class change _ Work in group 
 their roles -Perform before class . 
 * The game 
 Consolidation Slap the broad 
 7’ -T gives remarks . 
- Learn vocabulary and structure by heart. 
- Prepare B3 B4 in Ss book. 
 Drawing experience 
 4+5. Newspapers and Magazines 
 6+7. English 
 8. Librarian _Correct 
 T has Ss look at the picture part 4 (page 49) and asks 
 1. Which building is it in the picture? or -Answer 
 2. Do you know which the largest library in the 
 world is? 
 * While –listening : 
 (10’) -T say you will read about the largest library in the 
 world . You read it silently and answer the questions -Silent reading 
 in your book . 
 T explains new words 
 * vocabulary 
 Nouns: capital, congress, ,Employee- 
 Verb: , receive contain -Write down . 
 T has Ss repeat after the teacher the new words -Read after the teacher 
 T has Ss true or false quiz - Listen and write down . 
 T gives the correct answer 
 -T has Ss compare their answers with their partners 
 -T has some Ss read their answers before class . 
 -T gives correct answers 
 a) It is in Washington DC the capital of the USA -True or false 
 b) It has over 100 million books. 
 c)I t has 1000 km of shelves - Correct the mistake 
 d) 5000 people work there 
 * Post – listening : 
 -T hangs the picture of B4 and explains 
 Here is the library of Congress . can you retell about 
 the dialogue ? 
 -T has some groups perform before class change - Work in group 
 (10’) their roles. -the leader of group go to the 
 board and retell 
 Consolidation -Information of the world’s largest library . -Remember 
- Learn new words and remember by heart . 
- Drawing experience 

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