Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 5: Work and play - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 5: Work and play - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 5: Work and play - Năm học 2019-2020
 - Verbs : begin=start.><finish=end 
 - - To be interested in. -Read the text before class 
 -T plays the tape again then has Ss reread after the 
 -Pair work . 
 -T has some Ss read the text before class then she 
 -Answer these questions 
 gives the remember 
 - *Remember : 
 - Present Simple Tense(review) 
 - What do/does +s +study/learn ? 
 - S + study ( learn about). 
 - What’s +your/ her/ his their + favorite subject 
 - To be interested in. 
 -T has a good student translate into Vietnamese 
 * Post- reading: 
 -T has Ss ask and answer about Mai 
 1.which school does Mai go to ? 
 2. Which grade is Mai in ?. 
 3. How many days a week does Mai go to school ? 
 4What time does classes begin ? 
 5.What time do they finish ? 
 6.what does Mai thing about Geography ? 
 7. What is her lesson today ? 
 -T has some pairs practice before class . 
 Consolidation -Present simple Tense . -Remember 
 7’ -Words relating to school subjects . 
 -Learn new words and remember by heart . 
 _ Prepare A2 page 52 Unit 5 in SB 
 Drawing experience 
 A2 appliances, drawing, famous 
 Skill Verbs: fix, enjoy, to be good at, repair -Pair work . 
 development -T has Ss read the passage again, and answer 
 (reading) the Qs about the passage . -Write down . 
 -T gives True or false quiz 
 -T has Ss work in pairs ask- answer the Qs . 
 -T has some pairs ask – answer before class . 
 -T gives correct answers . -Correct answer 
 a) Ba likes Electronics best. 
 b)Yes ,he does. He enjoys school very much. 
 c)He learn to repair household appliances 
 d)He will be able to fix his own appliances 
 e)Yes ,he is. His drawings are very good. 
 - -T gives remember: -Write down 
 - Present Simple Tense (review) . 
 - *Remember: 
 (10’) What do you study in  ? 
 She/he is good at  
 * Post – reading : 
 -T has Ss practice with your partner use structure -Group work 
 Ss1 :What do you study in geography class? 
 Ss2 :I study maps. 
 Ss1:what are you good at ? -Answer 
 Ss2: I am good at math 
 -T has some Ss say about themselves before class . 
 Consolidation -remember subjects and structure - Remember . 
 5’ 1. - I study in  
 2. - I learn about .. 
 3. - I am good at .. 
 - Write about “ what do you usually do in your free time ?.” 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart 
 Drawing experience 
 -T plays the tape again and gives correct answers. -Listen and write down 
 Ba : d, a, e . 
 Hoa : c, b, e 
 -T explains : period , instead . 
 * Post – listening : -Pair work 
 -T has Ss work in pairs to tell about their periods . 
 A5 * Pre – reading 
 (20’) -T asks some questions : 
 Skill + How many subjects do you study at school ? -Answer the questions. 
 development + What do you study in each subject ? 
 (reading) + Which subject do you like / dislike ? Why ? 
 - T has Ss look at A5/54, SB . 
 -T says you will read a text about what Vietnamese 
 students learn about at school . 
 -T has Ss scan the text . 
 -T has Ss look at “Now discuss with a partner” . 
 * White- reading: 
 -T explains new words -Look at the pictures, 
 * Vocabulary : answer questions . 
 + Nouns : author , painting , world events , important -Repeat the new words and 
 days , temperature, meter, essay write down. 
 - T has Ss odd one out -Do the task. 
 * Remember: Review the Present Simple Tense 
 S + study / learn(s) about  
 -T asks students to answer the questions: 
 a. What do you learn in Literature/ Physics? -Pair work 
 b. What do you study in History/ Geography/ the - write down 
 Language class? 
 Post reading 
 (8’) T has student to talk about school subjects Work individually 
 - Write words relating to Math and structures in this lesson . 
 - Prepare (B1,2) pages 56-57 in unit 5 
 -T plays the tape . -Listen and write down . 
 * White- listening : 
 -T explains new words 
 * Vocabulary : -Listen to the tape . 
 +Nouns: Bell, Yard ,Recess, Chat Blindman’s bluff -Pair work . 
 , Catch , Skip -Listen and write down 
 + verbs: Chat, Catch , ,Skip rope, go indoor, ring 
 +Adjective: excited 
 T gives true or false quiz . 
 T has Ss answer _ True or false quize 
 T gives the correct answer 
 -T plays the tape again . _ correct some mistakes 
 -T has Ss ask-answer about pictures in B1 
 + What is this boy doing ? -Ask – answer . 
 T has Ss practice with teir partner . 
 + What do you usually do at recess ? 
 + .Do you usually talk with your friends ? -Pair work . 
 + What do you usually do after school ? 
 -T reviews -Ask – answer before class . 
 * Remember : Present Progressive Tense . 
 (+) S + am / is / are +V-ing . 
 (-) S + am / is/ are + not +V-ing . 
 (?) Am / Is/ Are + S +V-ing ? 
 *Post –listening 
 -T has some pairs ask-answer Qs . 
 -T has some Ss read the passage and translate into 
 Vietnamese . 
 -T has Ss do (b) ask and answer Qs with a partner . 
 -T has some pairs ask-answer Qs before class . 
 -T has Ss look at B2 and introduces : -Look at B2 and listen . 
 You will hear the tape about Mai, Kien, Lan 
 and Ba . They’re at the recess . Now you listen to the 
 tape, decide which games each students plays by 
 matching the names on the left column with the 
 activities on the right one . 
 -T has Ss read B2 carefully . -Read B2 . 
 -T plays the tape (2-3 times) . -Listen and do B2 . 
 B2 Match each name to an activity 
(15’) Mai * * playing catch 
 Kien * * playing marbles 
 Week : 10 UNIT 5 
Period : 30 
Preparing day : WORK AND PLAY 
Teaching day : 21-27/10/2019 
 Section B : It’s time for recess (B3) 
 -Recess activities in the USA . 
 -Developing reading , listening and speaking skills . 
 Pen pal, Junior high school, goal, hoop, earphones, packets, card, worldwide 
*Verbs : 
take part in, score, swap 
* Adjectives : 
energetic ,portable, common 
 mainly, mostly, 
 -The Present Simple Tense 
 -Silent reading . 
 -Questions – answers . 
 -Read and complete . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 7’ * Warm-up : Sing a song 
 *Oral test : T has Ss write recess activities on the 
 board . 
 B3 * Pre- reading : -Answer 
 Skill -T asks some questions 
 development + What do Vietnamese students often do at recess? 
 (reading) +Do you know what students in other countries often 
 20’ do at recess ? 
 -T says in order to know exactly what American -Listen . 
 students usually do at recess , let’s read B3 . 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_5_work_and_play_nam_hoc_2019_20.pdf