Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 6: After school - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 6: After school - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 6: After school - Năm học 2019-2020
 -T has Ss read the text again and answer the Qs. -Answer Qs . 
 -T has Ss compare answers with their partners . -Compare answers . 
 -T gives correct answers . -Write down . 
 -T plays the tape again, check the answer and 
 explains new words 
 *Vocabulary : team ( n) 
 Come along (v) -Read and translate . 
 Together (adv) 
 -T has Ss read the dialogue again, then translate into - Write down 
 Vietnamese . 
 - T has students do True or false quiz - do the true or false quiz 
 - T gives the right sentenses 
 -T has students ask and answer these questions 
 practice work in pair - work in pair 
 -The Present Simple Tense 
 * Making suggestions : 
 Let’s go to the zoo. _ Write down 
 Why don’t you come along. 
 * Post –listening : 
 T has students some pictures about after school 
 activities then calls them use “ let’s . why don’t you 
 ? to building the sentences. The students work in -Work in group 
Consolidation -Making suggestions , invitations -Listen and remember 
 7’ 1. Let’s  
 2. Why don’t you  ? 
 - Learn new words + structures by heart . 
 - Practise A1 again . 
 Drawing experience 
 school . 
 +On Tuesdays, I sometimes go swimming with my 
 10’ friends after school . 
 * Post- listening: 
 - Practice work in group. - Work in group. 
Consolidation -Listen and remember 
 7’ 1. -After-school activities . 
 2. -How often ? 
 3. -Adverbs of frequency 
 4. Usually, sometimes, always, often, never. 
 VII _ HOMEWORK: (3’) 
 - Practice A2 again . 
 - Write 5 sentences about your activities after school. 
 Drawing experience 
 - + Verbs 
 - rehearse, bring , lie, collect 
 - + Adjectives -Read the text again 
 sporty -answer questions . 
 -T has Ss read the text again and answer the -Compare answers. 
 T has Ss compare their answers . -Correct mistakes . 
 -T has some Ss read the answers aloud 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 5’ -T has some Ss read the text aloud 
 -T checks answers . 
 1. Her group is rehearing a play for the school 
 anniversary celebration. 
 2. He gets American stamp from Lix. His 
 American stamp. 
 3. The stamp collector’s club meets on 
 Wednesday afternoon. 
 4. He never play game. 
 * Post- reading : -Answer questions. 
 -T gives some more questions : 
 +What does Nga like doing after school hours ? 
 +What do Ba and his Friends often do on 
 Wednesday afternoon ? 
 +What does Nam often do after school hours ? 
 A4 * Pre-listening : -Listen 
 7’ -T : You will listen to a group of Ss talking about 
 Skill their after-school activities . You listen and do 
development exercise in part 4/p.63 
 (listening) -T has Ss look at a4 . -Look at A4 . 
 * While – listening : 
 -T plays the tape 2 or 3 times, has Ss match each -Listen and do exercise . 
 name to an activity . 
 -T has Ss compare answers . -Compare answers . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud, others -Read answers. 
 listen and give remarks . -Write down . 
 -T gives correct answers 
 Mai * * go to the circus 
 Nam * * go to the school cafeteria. 
 Ba * * watch movies. 
 Week : 12 
 Period : 34 
 Preparing day : UNIT 6 
 Teaching day : 04-09/11/2019 
 Section B : Let’s go (B1) 
 - Making suggestions /arrangements and polite refusal, acceptance of invitations. 
 - Modal verbs (review) 
 - Developing speaking and listening skills . 
* Remember : 
 1. What about + V_ing ? 
 2. Let’s + V( base-form ) 
 3. Why don’t you + V (base –form) 
 4. Modal verbs ( should). 
 - Questions – Answers . 
 - Silent reading . 
 - Role play 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 (7’) * Warm –up : Sing a song “ Come on , Let’s go” - Sing asong . 
 *Oral test : T has Ss tell about Nga, Ba and Nam. _ Answer 
 10’ * Pre- listening: 
 (B1) T says In the last period, you studied about after – 
 Skill school activities . And now we continue listening and 
 development talking about these activities . -Look at B1/64 . 
 (listening) -T has Ss look at B1 / 64 
 - T says Ba , Nam and Hoa are discussing what they 
 should do tonight . Can you guess what they are 
 talking about ? -Listen to the tape . 
 * While -listening ; . 
 Week : 12 
 Period : 35 UNIT 6 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 04-09/11/2019 AFTER SCHOOL 
 Section B : Let’s go (B2) 
 - After-school activities . 
 - Developing reading and speaking skills 
 *Vocabulary : 
 teenager, youth, organization, scout guide instrument, coin ,model ,survey. 
 attend, collect 
 - Questions – answers . 
 - Silent reading . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * Warm- up : Sing a song” what do you want to do -Sing a song 
 * Oral test : T has some pairs of Ss practise B1 _ Answer 
 before class . 
 (10’) * Pre-reading : 
 B2 -T has Ss tell organizations for teenagers in VN and -Tell organizations . 
 Skill in America . 
development -T : In this lesson, you will study about the most -Listen and guess . 
 (reading) popular after-school activities in America . Can you 
 guess what these activities are ? 
 -T has Ss look at the pictures and say the activities -Say activities 
 * While – reading : 
 Week : 12 
 Period : 36 UNIT 6 
 Preparing day : AFTER SCHOOL 
 Teaching day : 04-09/11/2019 
 Section B : Let’s go (B3) 
 - Volunteer works in America . 
 - Developing reading and speaking skills . 
- * Vocabulary : 
nouns : 
community, community service ,volunteer, campaign stripe ,neighborhood clean-up campaigns 
Concerned about st,clean-up. 
Remember : 
*Modal : + Suggestions 
 + Invitations 
 - Questions – Answers . 
 - Role play . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * Warm –up : Sing asong” Follow me” - sing asong 
 * Oral test : T has Ss tell the popular activities in - Answer 
 American school . 
 B3 * Pre- listening : -Answer questions . 
 (5’) -T ask some questions : 
 Skill +Do you usually use invitations ? 
 development +In which occasions do you use these invitations? 
 (listening +How do you accept or refuse the invitations? 
 speaking) -T says we usually use invitations, accept or refuse -Listen . 
 in our daily life . In this lesson , we’re going to study 
 these one . 
 * While- listening : -Listen to the tape . 
 -T plays the tape . -Listen and write down . 
 5’ -T explains 
 Week : 13 
 Period : 37 LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 11-16/11/2019 
 - Revision from Unit 4 to Unit 6 . 
 - Present Progressive Tense 
 - This / that , these / those . 
 - Time . 
 - Vocabulary : Subjects . 
 - Adverbs of frequency . 
 - Making suggestions . 
 - Questions – Answers . 
 - Pair work . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Flash cards . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Revision . 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 *- T reviews structures : -Write down 
 Present (+) : S + am / is / are + V_ing 
 Progressive (-) : S + am / is / are + not + V_ing 
 tense (?) : Am / is / are + S + V_ing ? 
 10’ -T has Ss do 1 / 68, SB -Do exercises 
 -T has Ss do read their answers . 
 -T gives correct answers : -Write down 
 is doing , is writing / is reading / is cooking / are 
This and that, playing / is kicking / is running 
and these and -T reviews the usage of “this / that, these / those “ -Listen . 
 thoes This / That + N 
 5’ These / Those + Ns 
 -T has Ss do 2 / 68.SB . -Do exercises . 
 -T gives correct answers -Write down . 
 a) this. -Do exercises . 
 b) this- that- this. -Write down 
 c) those-these- those. 
 d).those- these. 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_6_after_school_nam_hoc_2019_202.pdf