Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 7: The world of work - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 7: The world of work - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 7: The world of work - Năm học 2019-2020
 Week : 13 
 Period : 39 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 11-16/11/2019 
 The Correction Of One- Period Test 
- To help Ss to know what is right or wrong through their test papers 
- To help Ss to review some knowledge relating to vocabulary and grammar notes of 
units 1,2 , 3 
- The students’ test papers remarked by the teacher. 
- The questionnaire and answer key. 
1. Carrying out the questionaire 
 -Ss read sentence by sentence then give the answer. 
2. Teacher gives the keys, explains and corrects the mistakes. 
3. Students write the correct ansers in their notebooks 
4. Teacher comments on the results of the test of the class about the display aand the 
- Prepare unit 7: At school –A1, 2,3 
- Most of Ss do the test well, they can get the best marks 
- They have difficulty in Writing because they will have no mark if making any 
- T should give 02 tests A/B for Ss 
- The result of the test is very good 
 Skill and her uncle about the school work . 
development * While- listening: 
(listening and -T plays the tape . -Listen . 
 asking) -T asks : What can you hear about Hoa ? 
 15’ -T has Ss open the book and look at A1 . 
 -T plays the tape again . 
 -T explains new words / phrases -Listen to the tape 
 * Nouns: Sumer vacation,= Sumer holiday 
 *Verbs :last, take -Listen and write down 
 *Adverbs: quiet, hard, almost=nearly 
 +To be late for something . 
 +That takes 2 hours to do something. 
 -T has Ss practice reading the conversation . 
 -T has some Ss read the dialogue aloud . -Practice conversation . 
 -T has Ss work in pairs - work in pairs 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 a) Hoa’s classes start at 7 o’clock. 
 b) They finish at a quarter past eleven. 
 d) Hoa does her homework 2 hours a day. -Answer questions 
 T gives the remember: 
 * Remember: -Write down . 
 + The simple future: 
 (+) She will be late for school. 
 (-)She won’t be late for school. 
 (?) Will she be late for school? 
 Yes, she will. 
 No, she won’t. 
 *note: That takes 2 hours to dost 
 * post- listening: 
 _ work in groups 
 5’ T has Ss work in groups. 
Consolidation Words relating to school work and holidays . -Listen and remember 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart . 
 - Prepare A2,3 Unit 7 
 Drawing experience 
 ........................................................................................................................................... development -T has Ss compare their answers with the partners . -Compare answers . 
(reading and -T gives correct answers . 
 speaking) a) Summer vacation is the longest in America. -Write down . 
 b)During his vacation, Tim spends time with his 
 c) Vietnamese students have fewer vacation than 
 American students. 
 _Teacher asks students : 
 What are the dates of these celebration ? 
 T explains new words -Answer 
 * Vocabulary: 
 Nouns: Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, 
 Christmas, Tet holiday, 
 Verbs: hear, spend, celebrate - Listen and write down. 
 T has students read these new words 
 T gives remember: 
 * Remember: 
 + Review Comparative - Superlative 
 * Summer vacation is the longest vacation. 
 *Vietnamese students have fewer hours than 
 American students. -write down. 
 * note : Fewerthan 
 (Ex) I have fewer friends than he does. 
 *Post – reading : 
 -T has Ss work in pairs tell about holidays of the -Pair work 
 year . 
 T says the last lesson , you learned about 
 American celebrations and today you will study 
 more about them . 
 A3 * Pre- listening : 
 (15’) -T has Ss look at the pictures and guess the days in -Look at the picture and 
 Skill the pictures . guess . 
development -T says You will listen about holidays in America . 
 (listening) Write the name of the public holidays in each of 
 the picture -Listen 
 *While – Listening : 
 -T plays the tape . -Listen to the tape . Week : 14 
 Period : 42 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 18- 23/11/2019 UNIT 7 
 Section A : A student’s work (A4) 
 - A student’s work . 
 - Developing ready and speaking skills . 
- Vocabulary : 
Nouns : life. test 
Verbs: review, take a look= have a look. 
Adjectives: keen, typical, Adverb: definitely, 
Remember : * We only work a few hours a day. 
 * This is fewer hours than any workers. 
 *This is more than some workers. 
 Have to/ has to (modal verb) + V (base form) 
 - Questions – Answers . 
 - Pair works . 
 - Group works . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ *Warm –up: Sing a song -Sing a song 
 * Oral test : Some students write new words of -Answer 
 A3 , on the board, some pairs practice A2 before 
 class . 2. -Little- less = uncountable noun. 
 3. -much- more + uncountable noun 
 4. --many- more + countable noun 
 5. a lot – more+ countable noun/+ 
 uncountable noun 
 -T has students practice work in groups 
 *Post – reading : 
 +Game : Lucky number -Play a game . 
Consolidation -T has Ss do exercise : 
 7’ *Complete the sentences, using fewer or more . -Do exercise . 
 1. 1-I eat 5 eggs a week . Ba eats 4 eggs a 
 week . I eat _____ eggs a week than Ba . 
 2. 2-An has 10 books . Khanh has 12 books . 
 An has _____ books than Khanh . 
 3. 3-Trung saves 10.000 dong . Mai saves 
 6.000 dong . Trung saves _____ money 
 than Mai . 
 4. 4-My mother works 40 hours a week . Your 
 mother works 48 hours a week . 
 5. My mother works ____ hours than your 
 mother . 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart . 
 - Prepair B1 Unit 7 . 
 * Experience : 
 Week : 15 
 Period : 45 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 25- 30/11/2019 
 -T says you will read a letter which Hoa writes 
 to his family . 
 -You scan it and answer these questions : 
  How many people does Tim’s family have ? 
  Who does Tim write about in the letter ? -Answer questions . 
 -T has Ss answer the questions . 
 -T gives correct answers . -Listen and write down . 
 * While listening : 
 10’ -T plays the tape . 
 B1 -T has Ss read the letter silently , then answer - Listen . 
 Skill questions . - Silent reading, answer 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud . questions . 
 -T plays the tape -work in pairs. 
 _T checks answers and corrects. - Listen and write down . 
 a) Mr. John works at home. But three mornings 
 a week she works part–time at a local 
 b )She cooks lunch for homeless people once a 
 c ) Mr. John is a mechanic 
 d ) he works about 40 hours a week. 
 e )The john family always goes to Florida on 
 vacation. They have a great time. 
 Teacher teaches new words 
 Vocabulary : 
 *Nouns: local supermarket, women - listen and write 
 (woman),mechanic, machine, shift, golf, public down. 
 holiday, day-off, photo, 
 *Verb :prefer. 
 * Adjectives : part-time, homeless 
 *Adverb: However, 
 Teacher has student read again then gives - Listen. 
 some examples to explain the structure. 
 Teacher gives the remember 
 *Remember :+ Sometimes he works in the - Listen and write 
 moring and sometimes in the afternoon. down. 
 +She works part –time. 
 Section B : The worker (B2, B3 ,B4) 
 - Talk about occupation . 
 - Developing reading skill . 
+ Nouns: buffalo,pig, main crop , buffalo shed, chicken coop, wife. 
+Verbs : feed,rest, grow 
+Adjective : real 
 * Remember :When there is less work, he goes to the city. 
 - Questions – Answers . 
 - Group work . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * Warm-up: The game “ Lucky number”. - play the game. 
 *Oral – test : T has some Ss write new words of - Write the new 
 B1 words. 
 5’ *Pre-reading : 
 -T has Ss look at B2/77, SB. 
 -T says look at the picture . -Look at B2 . 
 + Can you guess what their jobs are ? 
 + What are the daily duties of a farmer ? 
 -T has Ss discuss in groups, tell the name of -Group work . 
 occupations as many as possible . 
 -T introduces : -Listen . 
 B2 In the last lesson , you learned about : housewife 
 Skill , mechanic . Today you will study about works of 
 development a farmer . Consolidation The work of a mechanic and a farmer . 
- Learn new words and remember by heart . 
- Prepare section A of Unit 8 
 Experience : 

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