Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 8: Places - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 8: Places - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 8: Places - Năm học 2019-2020
 development -T has Ss look at the picture and asks : and answer. 
 (listening and Who are they ? 
 speaking) Where are they ? 
 + What does the tourist want ? -Listen to the 
 -T introduces : you will hear a conversation teacher. 
 between a foreigner and Nga .You listen and 
 answer the question “Where does the foreigner 
 want to go ? 
 * While- listening: -Listen to the tape 
 -T plays the tape. -Pair works . 
 -T has Ss practice the dialogue. 
 -T explains vocabulary 
 *Noun : State/National Bank of Vietnam, Saint 
 Paul Hospital, Hotel, The Central post office, 
 Hanoi Railway station, Dong Xuan 
 Market, way, souvenir shop, tourist. 
 -Teacher has students read new words aloud 
 -T teaches the remember : 
 - * Remember: 
 + Could you show / tell me  ? 
 + on the left / on the right / go 
 straight a head . 
 * Post-listening: 
 - Teacher has students practice work in pair - Practice work in 
 and work in group. pair 
 - Teacher gives some cues: Asking the ways. 
 1. Bank/ opposite the post office. 
 2. School/ near the market. 
 Consolidation 3. Police station /in front of the souvenir -Listen and remember 
 7’ shop. 
 -Names of some places 
 -Ask for –give direction 
Homework (3’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart 
 - Prepare A3,4 Unit 8 
 Drawing experience 
 ........................................................................................................................................... shops, offices you hear following the 
 direction in the tape . 
 * While- listening : -Listen to the tape . 
 -T plays the tape 2 – 3 times . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud . _ Pair work . 
 -T gives correct answers . - Read aloud . 
 -T reviews structure : 
 “Ask – answer about distance .” 
 + How far is it from 
 + It’s about .. 
 -T plays the tape . 
 -T teaches new words. 
 *Nouns : coach, guess 
 -T has Ss work in pairs , practise the dialogue 
 -T has some pairs read the dialogue aloud . 
 T gives the remember : 
 * Remember : 
 How far is it from  to  ? 
 It’s (about) . 
 A5 -T has Ss look at the map and introduces : 
 (5’) “ Now you practice asking and answering 
 about the distance between HaNoi and other 
 cities in the map .” 
 (5’) * Post -listening 
 -T has Ss work in pairs . 
 -T has some pairs ask – answer before class . 
 -T gives remarks then she corrects some 
 mistakes . 
 (5’) -Ask – answer about the distance 
 + How far is it from  to  ? 
 + It’s (about)  
 - Learn new words by heart . 
 - Making a dialogue about asking the way. 
 Drawing experience 
 .......................................................................................................................................... -T plays the tape and she explains new words 
 B1 * Vocabulary : 
 Skill * Nouns :envelope, change 
 development * Verbs : pay, mail, receive. -Pair work . 
 (listening) * Adverb: altogether, 
 _Teacher has students read the new words -Read aloud . 
 again then practice in pair. 
 -T has Ss practise the dialogue in pairs . -Answer questions . 
 -T has some Ss read the dialogue aloud . -Read before class . 
 -T has Ss answer: -Write down . 
 Now answer the questions . 
 -T has some Ss read answers before class . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 a ) Liz will mail the letter to the USA. 
 b) She pays 11.500 dong altogether. 
 c ) She receives 3.500 dong in change. 
 Teacher explains and give the remember: 
 *Remember : Enquire about prices 
 + How much does stamp cost ? 
 It costs 2,000 dong. 
 + How much is it ? 
 It is 2000 dong 
 +I need some envelopes. - Group work . 
 + I would like to send this letter. 
 -Teacher has students work in group. 
 * Post- listening : 
 -Teacher says: 
 Base on the conversation in B1 you make up 
 a similar conversation . 
Consolidation I need. Listening. 
 7’ I’d like to .. 
 -How much is / are + S ? 
 VI – HOMEWORK (3’) 
- Learn vocabulary and remember by heart . 
- Prepare B2 Unit 8. 
 ........................................................................................................................................... * Vocabulary : 
 *Nouns :local stamp. overseas mail, 
 phone card, writing pad, postcard 
 * Adj : overseas. 
 * Adv : regularly 
 T has students read the new words again 
 -T has Ss practise the dialogue in pairs . 
 -T has some Ss read the dialogue aloud . 
 -T has Ss answer: 
 Now answer the questions . 
 -T has some Ss read answers before class . Pair work . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 a. Hoa needs some local stamps and some 
 stamps for overseas mail and a phone card. 
 b )She needs stamps for overseas mail because 
 she has a pen pal in America. 
 c )She needs a phone card to call her parents. 
 T checks these answers . 
 -T has Ss practice the dialogue . 
 B3 -Look at B3 . 
 Skill -T has Ss look at B3 . -Listen . 
development - T say : you will hear a conversation between 
 (listening) Hoa and a post office clerk , but there is some 
 15’ empty information . Now you read and Ss 
 practice the conversation . -Complete conversation . 
 -T has Ss complete the conversation . -Pair work . 
 -T has Ss practice the conversation . -Write down . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 - 1/like. - 4/ is 
 -2/ are - 5/it 
 -3/much - 6/change 
 8’ -T has Ss make a similar dialogue with some -Make new dialogue. 
 words in the box. 
 Postcard (s)- stamp (s)- envelope(s) 
 Phone card (s)- writing pad (s) 
 Practice B2,3 
 Prepare B4,5 
 VI. Experience: + The total cost is 59.000dong 
 + A packet of envelopes : 2000 
 + A pen : 1500 
 + A writing pad : 3000 
 + five stamps : 2500 
 + A phone card : 50.000 
 B5 --T has Ss look at B5 . -Look at B5 . 
 15’ -T explains : apart from . 
 Skill -T has Ss ask – answer questions . 
 development -T has some Ss ask – answer before class . 
 speaking a) How much is it to mail a local letter in Viet -Pair work . 
 Nam ? -Ask – answer before 
 b) How much is a letter to America ? class . 
 c) What does the post office sell apart from 
 stamps ? 
 d) Do you write to any one overseas / Who ? 
Consolidation -Enquire about prices . 
- Write 5 sentences with prices . 
- Practice B4, B5 again . 
 community service. - D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
d. I keep it beside me when I am reading an 
English book. - C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
e. People use it to find a book in the library. - L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
f. She or He works in the library. - work with teacher. 
- T gives the example & checks the way to 
complete the tasks. - take notes. 
- t explains the used knowledge more. - work individually and then in groups. 
- T asks Ss to write other words by using the 
description. - write their answers on the board. 
- T asks the whole to check. - check it with teacher. 
 - Asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the following sentences. 
 1. Could/show/me/way/bookstore? 
 - Could you show me the way to the bookstore? 
 2. How/she/go/school? She/go/school/foot. 
 - How does she go to school? She goes to school on foot.. 
 3. I/would like/buy/book/please. 
 - I would like to buy a book, please. 
 - Asks Ss to prepare: Comparatives, the simple pesent, the present continuos tense and verb form. 
VI. Experience: 
 3.Act 3: (10’) write the complete sentences, 
using the words given. 
a.They/riding/bike/now - They are riding their bike now. 
b. Their school/small/than/my school - Their school is smaller than my school. 
c. How/you/go/school? - How do you go to school? 
d. We/have/few/days-off/than/ his brother. - We have fewer days-off than his brother. 
e.What/the/big/city/Viet Nam? - What is the biggest city in Viet Nam? 
- gives the example & checks the way to - work with teacher. 
complete the tasks. 
- explains the used knowledge more. - take notes. 
- asks Ss to write other sentences by using the - work individually and then in groups. 
words given. 
- invites the answers on the board.. - write their answers on the board. 
- asks the whole to check. - check it with teacher. 
 - Asks Ss to revise the lesson again. 
 - Asks Ss to prepare the knowledge provided and instructs them to prepare for the first semester 
VI. Experience: 
 12. What  she . at the moment? 
 A. do/do B. does/doing C is/doing D. is/ do 
13. What time  she .. lunch? 
 A. do/has B. does/have C does/has D. is / do 
14. Tet holiday is coming. I  visit my relatives. 
 A. am B. will C. am going D. do 
II./ Match the questions in column A with the expressions 
in column B. Number 0 is an example. 
 A B 
0. How do you do! A. He is 12 years old. 
15. This is Mary B. Yes,please. How much are these? 
16. Can I help you? C. Pleased to meet you. 
17. How old is he? D. How do you do! 
18.How much is this book? E. Yes, I /d love to. 
19. Would you like a milk? F. It is 2.000 dong 
III./ Fill in the gaps with the suitable word in the box. Number 
0 is an example. 
 party some on house evening at 
 Nga is 12 years old. She will be 13 ..(0).. Sunday, July 15th. She 
will have a ..(20).. for her birthday. She will invite(21).her 
friends. She lives..(22).. 21 Le Loi Street. The party will be at her 
..(23)It will start at five – thirty in the ..(24).. and finish at eight. 
 - Ask Ss to retell the knowlege they have just learnt 
-Asks Ss to prepare the knowledge provided and instructs them to prepare for the first semester 
VI. Experience: 
 Week : 19 
 Period : 56 
 Preparing day : 
 Teaching day : 23- 28/12/2019 REVISION 
Unit 5 A1 p. 51 
1. Mai’s favorite class isclass ( Math Computer science Literature Music) 
2. In Physics , Mai does some.. ( exercises tasks experiments assignments) 
3. Mai thinks Geography is interesting. .. 
4. Mai’s last lesson is Physics.  
A4 p. 54 
1. Onmorning, Ba and Hoa go to school. ( Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday) 
2. At seven o’clock, Ba has Technology and Hoa has 
Geography Physics Language Computer Science 
3. At..,Ba has Geography. ( 8.30 8.35 8.40 8.45 ) 
4. Hoa does not have Geography on Saturday.  
5. In the last period, they have the same class, Hoa and Ba both have Physics class.  
B1 p. 56 
1. They are all happy recess. ( glad excited exciting enjoy) 
2. The most popular activity is . . ( talking skipping rope playing marbles reading) 
3. At twenty-five past eight, the bell rings and all the students go into the yard. .. 
4. At recess. Students meet their friends and have some fun. .. 
B2 P. 57 
1. It is recess and the yard is very .and noisy. ( busy large beautiful crowded) 
2. Ba is playing.. . ( marbles catch blindman’s bluff badminton ) 
3. Kien is playing soccer with some friends. . 
4. Mai and Bi are playing catch. . 
Unit 6 A4 p. 63 
1. Nam has to .for a play with the drama group. ( practice speak review rehearse) 
2. Ba is going to the..tonight with his family. ( cinema circus concert play) 
3. Kien is going to tidy the library for Miss Lien this evening. . 
4. Lan is going to the movie theater. . 
 VI. Experience: 

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