Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 9: At home and away - Năm học 2019-2020

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 9: At home and away - Năm học 2019-2020

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 9: At home and away - Năm học 2019-2020
 talking about Liz’s conversation in Nha 
 Trang .You listen and tell me what they did 
 there “. 
 * While- listening : 
 -T plays the tape 
 -T teaches the past simple tense: 
10’ +Past simple of “To be” 
 (+) (I, She, He, It) + was + . 
 ( You , We, They ) + were + . 
 (-)( I, She, He, It) + wasn’t + . 
 (You , We , They) + weren’t + . 
 (?) Was +( she , he, it ) +  ? 
 Were +( you, we, they) ? 
 - Yes , S + were / was 
 - No , S + + weren’t / wasn’t 
 + Past Simple Tense of Ordinary verb 
 * V- ed: 
 (+) S + V_ed / V past + O.. 
 (-) S + didn’t + V + O . 
 (?) Did + S + V + O ? 
 Yes, S + did. 
 No, S+ didn’t. 
 *Note : + ed 
 look- looked 
 + d 
 arrive- arrived 
 + Y – ied 
 + gấp đôi phụ am + ed 
 fit -fitted 
 /Id/ : decided, rented, fitted, visited. 
 /t/ : talked, stopped, looked, watched. 
 Week : . . . . .20 . . . . . . . 
Period : . . . . .59 . . . . . . UNIT 9 
Preparing date: 
Teaching date: : 30/12/2019- AT HOME AND AWAY 
04/01/2020 Section A: A holiday in Nha Trang (A2,A3) 
 - A trip to an aquarium 
 -Developing reading skill 
 * Vocabulary : 
* Nouns: shark, dolphin, turtle, type, colorful fish, exit, cap, poster, food stall, crab, noodles, 
peanut, rice paddy 
*Adverbs: instead, unfortunately peaceful (adj.) 
* Remember: 
+ The Past Simple Tense . 
- Questions –answers . 
- Pair work –group work 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ 
 5’ * warm-up: Sing a song - Sing a song 
 * Oral test : T has some students go to the board and -Answer 
 write the formation of past simple tense. questions 
 * Pre –reading 
 -T asks : 
 +How was Liz’s vacation ? 
 5’ +What did she think of Nha Trang -Listen to the 
 +What places did she visit ? teacher 
 -T says in the last period ,we heard Liz telling about 
 her vacation in Nha Trang with her family and - Guess 
 today’s lesson ,we will read the text about one of the 
 Skill most interesting activities which Liz and her family did 
 development during the vacation. they visited to Tri Nguyen 
 * Vocabulary : tape 
 * Noun : Unfortunately , rice paddy , peaceful , 
 peanuts, Roadside restaurant. 
 -T has Ss do exercises . 
 -T has Ss compare their answers with the partners . 
 -T gives correct answers . - Do exercise 
 * The Robinsons returned to Ha Noi by bus . - Compare 
 * This was the first time Liz saw the paddies. answers 
 *They stopped at the restaurant for short time. - Listen and write 
 *Mrs. Robinson bought some food for Liz. down 
 *They arrived home in the evening. 
 Consolidation *-Past simple of some irregular verbs 
 7’ go –went - think –thought 
 see –saw - buy – bought 
 wear – wore- eat –ate 
 -T has some Ss retell the listening based on correct 
 answers . 
 - Retell the 
 - Learn vocabulary and the Past Simple by heart . 
 - Do exercise I- II- III ( page 60,61,62 .work book ) 
 - Prepare unit 9 A4 ( new words) 
Week : 20 
Period : 60 
Preparing date: 
Teaching date: : 30/12/2019-
 * While-reading : 
10’ -T has Ss read A4 . 
 -T asks some questions : 
 +Where did Liz and her parents arrive in Ha -Read A4 . 
 Noi from ? -Answer questions . 
 +What does Mr. Robinson do ? 
 +How old is Liz ? 
 +What does Ba collect ? 
 T explains some new words. 
 * Vocabulary: 
 *Verbs: improve, talk, arrive, rent, move, 
 keep in touch ,bring. 
 + Improve-improved. 
 +Arrive- arrived. 
 + Rent- rented -Listen and do exercise . 
 +Move- moved. 
 -T has Ss look at now make these sentences 
 true and do the exercises . 
 -T has Ss compare answers with their 
 answers . -Pair work . 
 -T has some Ss read their answers aloud . 
 -T gives correct answers . 
 a) Liz lived next door to Ba.(not along way). -Read answers . 
 b) Liz learned Vietnamese in Viet Nam (not 
 in the USA ) 
 c) Ba collects stamps ( not Liz ) -Write down . 
 d) Liz ;s aunt lives in New York ( not in 
 Viet Nam ). 
 e)The Robinsons moved to the other side of -Group work . 
 Hanoi ( not to Ho Chi Minh) 
 f) The Robinsons moved .Now Ba sad (not 
 * Post – reading : 
 -T has Ss write their diaries on the papers, 
10’ then write on the board , T corrects some 
 mistakes . 
 UNIT 9 
 Section B: Neighbors (B1,B2) 
 -Exclamatory sentences (review) 
 *Nouns:+ hairdresser , neighbor, material, dressmaker 
 * Adjective: clever 
 * Remember : Exclamatory sentences 
 * What + a(an) + N ! 
- Questions – answers . 
- Pair work – group work . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * warm-up : Sing a song “Hello! Hello! “ - Sing a song 
 * Oral test : Some Ss tell about what did _ Answer 
 they do last week . 
 10’ * Pre-speaking : 
 -T has Ss look at the picture . -Look at the picture . 
 -T has Ss look at the picture and guess 
 what they are doing ? 
 -T says Lan and Hoa are friends . They are -Listen to the teacher . 
 talking . Now you listen to the tape and tell 
 me what they are talking about . 
 * While- speaking : 
 -Listen to the tape . 
 -T plays the tape . 
 -Answer question . 
 -T asks : + What are Lan and Hoa talking 
 -Listen to the tape . 
 -T plays the tape again . 
 _ T explains the new words. 
 Section B: Neighbors (B3,B4) 
 -Developing reading and writing skills . 
 -Talking about sewing . 
* Vocabulary : 
*Noun : sewing , hobby , sewing machine, cushion. 
* Verbs :make, decide ,sew, made, try. 
* Adjective : useful 
* Remember :. 
- The Simple past tense (cont’d) 
- Pair work – group work . 
- Questions – answers . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Pictures, cassette recorder + tape . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Skill development 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 5’ * Warm –up :” Follow me, follow me” - Sing a song. 
 * Oral test : T has some Ss practice the - Answer. 
 dialogue B1 again . 
 10’ * Pre-reading : 
 -T asks some questions . -Answer questions . 
 +What do you learn in Home Economics ? 
 +Do you like it ? 
 B3 +What do you like to do most in Home 
 Skill Economics ? 
 development *-While – reading : 
 -Read – answer question 
 (reading) -T has Ss read B3 and answer : 
 10’ + What’s the reading about ? 
 -T has Ss read B3 again and answer questions 
 . -Compare answers . 
 -T has Ss compare answers with the partners . 
 -Write down . 
 -Revision from Unit 7 – Unit 9 . 
 -* Grammar (review) : How much, preposition – past simple present and future 
simple, comparative . 
- Pair work – Group work . 
- Questions – answers . 
IV- TIME : 45 minutes 
V- TEACHING AIDS : Flash cards . 
VI- PROCEDURES : Revision . 
 Sections Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 1. -T has Ss read the dialogue aloud . 
 How much is -T has Ss make similar dialogue . -Make dialogue . 
 it? -T checks Ss’ answers . 
 2 -T has Ss look at the map and write the location -Do exercise . 
 . Preposition of each store . 
 7’ -T has Ss ask – answer about distance : -Ask – answer 
 + How far is it from  to  ? 
 3. -T reviews The simple past . -Listen . 
 Past simple -T has Ss do a) and b) -Do exercise . 
 10’ -T gives correct answers -Write down . 
 a) buy - bought 
 help - helped 
 remember – remembered 
 take - took 
 send - sent 
 think - thought 
 talk - talked . 
 b) played, talked, bought, worked, sent . 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_unit_9_at_home_and_away_nam_hoc_2019.pdf