Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1: My friends

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1: My friends

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1: My friends
 ✓ Do you play card / chess at recess? Going outing, picnic, 
 ✓ Who(m) do you like to play camping. 
 with?Boy or girl? A person who is Playing games: volleyball, 
 better than you or weaker than table tennis, skipping rope, 
 you? In a team group or individual. swimming... 
2/ LISTEN AND READ / Presentation (30’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’activities: 
Lead- in / Pre- - Introducing the material and the - Looking at the pictures 
 reading. context of the lesson. and listening. 
 (5’) - Showing a photograph of Hoa and 
 Nien (page 10) 
 Lan and Hoa are talking about Nien, 
 hoa’s next-door neighbor friend in Hue. 
 - Asking some questions about Hoa 
 which children knew her: - Students make some 
 ✓ Who’s Hoa? questions about Hoa and 
 ✓ Where is she from? ones answer. 
 ✓ Whom does she live with now? 
 ✓ What do you know about Hoa? 
 ✓ Who can ask questions about 
 - Introcing the content of the dialogue: - Listening. 
 Hoa is talking with Lan about Nien and 
 describe her next-door neighbor friend. 
 While- - Playing the cassette player. - Listening the dialogue 
 reading: carefully and repeat after 
 (15’) listening the tape. 
 - Having students work in pairs: - Pairs work: Students play 
 (practicing the dialogue with the role Lan and Hoa then 
 partner.) change role. 
 - Having students asking and answering - Asking and answering the 
 the questions. questions (2 / page 10) 
 - Notice the intonation of the “Wh- - Some students’ pairs 
 questions”. read the dialogue in front 
 of the class. 
 - Correcting the errors. - Others gives the 
Post- listening - Based on the situation of the - Listening and giving some 
 & dialogue, making clear the structures. sentences based on the 
Consolidation: structures. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 2 IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape. 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook in pages 11 + 12, real people. 
V/ Procedures: 
Revision of the old lesson: (5’) 
Students look at Nien’s photograph and describe Nien’s appearance. 
1/ SPEAK: (26’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’activities: 
 - Showing some pictures of - Looking at the pictures and 
 people (6) on the board. listening. 
 - Having students look at them - Read some adjectives chorally 
 Warm-up and leading students read aloud. 
 & chorally aloud some adjectives: 
 Presentation: slim, straight, curly, blond, fair. 
 (10’) - Explaining some new - Listening. 
 adjectives and review old 
 adjectives. - Reading. 
 - Having students read the 
 model dialogue (notice verb 
 tobe & to have). 
 1-Controled practice: - Students perform the game: 
 - Questions and answers based 
 Practice. - Introducing students a game: on model dialogue, using cue 
 (20’) Students guess someone adjectives to describe and guess 
 through describing’s person of the people in the pictures. 
 their classmates. - Work in pairs. 
 - Other students guess who he / 
 - Having students practice in she is. 
 - Asking some students choose 
 any pictures and describe the - Some pairs of students practice 
 person in the pictures. the dialogue with these pictures. 
 2-Further practice: 
 - Introducing 3 or 4 pictures of 
 famous people. 
 - Having students describes - Working in pairs. 
Consolidation about any students in their 
 For good class other students guess who 
 students. that person is. Ex:She has long black hair. 
 (10’) - Reviewing the position of (a) (a) N 
 descriptive adjectives (when Opinion+size+shape+color+Noun 
 My friends. 
 Period 3 Read.  
I/ Objectives: 
 After the lesson, students may: 
- Develop reading comprehension skill. 
- Answer the questions about describing people characters and their favorite 
II/ Language contents: 
- Grammar: Present simple tense: be, have. 
- Vocabulary: Descriptive adjectives used to describe human characters and 
 sociable (a) kind (a) generous (a) 
 reserved (a) outgoing (a) 
 orphanage (n) peace (n) humor (n) 
 III/ Technique: 
- Scanning. 
- Questions and answers. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
- Worksheet or transparency sheets. 
V/ Procedures: 
 READ (skill development) (45’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’activities: 
 - Asking students some questions: - Answer the question. 
Warm-up • Do you have many friends? 
 6 - Write 5 sentences to describe some their close friends. 
 - Prepare: Write (page 13 + 14) in textbooks. 
VII/ Drawing experience: 
 UNIT ONE: My friends. 
 Period 4: Write. 
 I/ Objectives: 
 After the lesson, students may: 
 - Develop writing skill. 
 - Write some sentences to describe features about their shelves and their close 
 II/ Language contents: 
 - Grammar: Present simple tense: be, have. 
 - Vocabulary: Descriptive adjectives used to describe human characters. 
 tall (a) short (a) fat (a) 
 thin (a) bald (a) fair (a) 
 blond (a) curly (a) 
 III/ Technique: 
 - Observations. 
 - Questions and answers. 
 IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Worksheet or transparency sheets. 
 V/ Procedures: 
WRITE (skill development) (45’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’activities: 
 - Asking students to put 10 words cards - Playing game: students 
 into the correct columns: are divided 2 groups to 
 arrange 10 words into 2 
 Appearance: Character: columns. 
 Warm-up Tall generous 
 (5’) Slim Outgoing 
 Curly Sociable 
 Straight Reserved 
 brown Humor 
 - Having students give remarks and - Giving remarks. 
 8 teacher’s leading. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Review some descriptive adjectives. 
 - Write a short paragraph to describe your close friends. 
 - Prepare: Language focus (page 16 + 17) in textbooks. 
VII/ Drawing experience 
 10 and giving marks. 
 - Having students work in pairs to - Doing exercise 2. 
 2 complete the dialogue. Use the correct 
 Complete form of the verbs given in the box. 
the dialogue. - Noticing students about some verbs - Listening. 
 (8’) reused. 
 - Having some pairs of student swrap - Working in pairs. 
 their books to compare result of their 
 - Inviting some pairs to show their - Answers: 
 tasks in front of the class. 1. sets 2. goes 3. moves 
 4. is 5. is 6. is 
 - Checking some tasks, correct errors - Giving opinions. 
 and giving marks. 
 - Explaining request of the exercise: - Observing the picture. 
 Observing the picture quickly then Drilling questions and 
 closing their books. Drilling questions answers. 
 and answers. 
 - Having students work in pairs. - Work in pairs: Q – A. 
 a/ How many people are there in the a/ There are four people 
 picture? in the picture. 
 3 b/ What does each person look like? b/ There is a tall, heavy-
 Look and set man, there is a tall 
 describe thin woman, with short 
 (13’) black hair and there is a 
 boy sitting on the ground, 
 holding his head, and 
 there is a short man 
 standing across street. 
 c/ What is each doing? (for good Ss) 
 - Calling some pairs of students to - Giving their opinions. 
 check answers and correct errors. 
 Practice structure: - Listening. 
 - Introducing usage of the structure: 
 Be (not) + Adj + enough + to Inf. 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_1_my_friends.pdf