Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10 - Lesson 4

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10 - Lesson 4
 1. Answer.
 a) What do people do with empty milk bottles?
 => People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles with milk.
 b) What happens to the glass when it is sent to the factories?
 => The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware when it is sent to factories.
 c) What did the Oregon government do to prevent people from throwing drink cans away?
 => The Oregon government made a new law that there must be deposit on all drink cans. The deposit 
 is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
 d) What is compost made from?
 => Compost is made from household and garden waste.
 e) If you have a recycling story to share, how can you share it?
 => If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the magazine at 5 265 456.
 2. Work with a partner. Complete the sentences to make a list of recycled things.
 Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings.
 Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled with milk.
 Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
 Drink cans are brought back for recycling.
 Household and garden waste is made into compost.
Unit 10 Recycling
Lesson 5 Write 
New words
1. soak ( v ) ngâm
2. Bucket ( n ) xô
3. Wooden spoon ( n ) muỗng gỗ
4. mix ( v ) trộn
 mixture ( n ) hỗn hợp
5. wire mesh ( n ) tấm lưới sắt
 2 a. First, take the used tealeaves from the tea pot.
 b. Next, scatter the tealeaves on a tray.
 c. Then, dry the leaves in the sun.
 d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use.
Unit 10 Recycling
Lesson 6 language focus 
I/ passive form ( thể bị động ) 
1. detergent liquid ( n ) nước xà phòng
2. the glass pieces ( n ) mảnh thủy tinh
3. dip...into : nhúng vào
4. blow - blew - blown ( v ) thổi 
A.Hiện tại đơn
Ex : My father buys a shirt for me .
 A shirt is bought for me by myther 
 Be+ V3/ed
B.Tương lai đơn
 4 Trật tự tranh:
1 –> 4 –> 3 –> 5 –> 2 –> 6
2. A famous inventor, Dr. Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his assistants, Hai, is 
asking him questions about the invention. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the 
verbs in brackets.
(Hai: When (0) will the project be started, Doctor?
Dr. Kim: Very soon.
Hai: Many people want to see the time machine.
Dr. Kim: Yes. It (1) will be shown to the public when it is finished.
Hai: (2) Will it be built by the end of the year, Doctor?
Dr. Kim: I'm afraid not, but it (3) will be finished before Tet.
Hai: (4) Will it be made by you?
Dr. Kim: No, I need you to build it. When can you start?
Hai: Let's begin tomorrow.
3. Complete the dialogues. Use the words in the box.
a) Ba: Turn right, then left, and the left again.
Nam: It's (0) difficult to follow your directions. Can you start again, please?
b) Mr. Dao: Can you do the exercise, Hoa?
Hoa: Yes, Mr. Dao. It's (1) easy to understand.
 1. Bottles of : chai 
 2. Mixture of : hỗn hợp ..
1- She says that . . . . .. the environment is quite an easy job. (recycling, protecting, reducing, 
2- I am . . . . . . that you want to know more about environment. (pleasing, pleased, pleasant, 
3- In the USA, millions . . . . . . . old car tires are thrown away every year. ( at, from, of , into)
4- In Britain, the milkman brings bottles ... milk to houses and collects the empty ones.( at, 
 from, of , into)
5- The glass is broken . . . . . . . small pieces. ( at, from, of , into)
6- They are interested . . . . . protecting the environment. ( at, on, of , in)
7- He is explaining how to start a . . . . . heap. ( dirt, compost, vegetable, moisture)
8- After six months, your compost will be ready to use as . . . . . . .. (seeds, fertilizer, tractor, 
9- Is the room . . . . . . . every four days? ( to wash, wash, washes, washed)
10- People are interested in . . . . . . . things. ( recycling, recycle, to recycle, recycled)
11- In countryside, vegetable matter . . . . to make animal food. ( uses, is used, can use, using)
12- One ton of . . . . . . . . paper saves approximately eight trees. ( recycling, recycle, to recycle, 
13- What about . . . . . . . . natural resources ? (saved, saving, to save)
14- It is interesting . . . . . . . . swimming in the river in summer. (to go, going, went )
15- People bring the drink used cans back for . . . . . . (recycling, recycled, to recycle)
16- Picture books . . . . . . . . . . . on the shelf. (keep, are keeping, are kept)
17- Old clothes can . . . . . . . . to make paper. (recycle, be recycled, be recycling)
18- English . . . . . . . . . . . all over the world. (to speak, speak, is spoken)
19- Linda is one of the . . . . . . . . . from Friends of the Earth. (representatives, representing, 
20- The country’s. resources include forests, coal and oil. (nature, natural, naturally)
21- It is . . . . . . . to cross the street. (danger, dangerous, dangerously)
22- Compost is a wonderful . . . . It helps plants grow. ( fertilizer, fertilize, fertilizing)
23- Air is a . . . . . . . . of gases. (mixture, mix, mixed)
24- Car tires can __________to make pipes and floor coverings. (be recycled/ recycled / recyling / 
25- It’s not easy __________ these questions. ( to answer / answering / answer / answered)
26- We were delighted_____________ your letter last week. ( to get / getting / got / get)
27- Garbage can be used to make _____________. ( fertilizer / fertilizing / fertile / fertilization)
28- The new hotel _____________ next year. ( is opened / will be opened / is opening / opens)
29- It’s dangerous _____________ near the streets. ( play / to play / playing / plays)
30- Milk ________to houses by milkman every day. ( brings / is bring / is brought / is bringed)
II/. Complete the sentences with the correct word form
1. mash (v) : nghiền nát 5. glass (n) : thủy tinh 
 mesh (n) : việc ngiền nát  glassware (n) : hàng thủy tinh, đồ 
 8 The secretary __________________________________________________________________
8. I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room.
 These old pictures ______________________________________________________________
9. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.
 This factory ___________________________________________________________________
10. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.
 The pollution problems __________________________________________________________
11. Some people will interview the new president on TV.
 The new president ______________________________________________________________
12. He has broken his nose in a football match.
 His nose ______________________________________________________________________
 It’s + adj + to V: thật là  để 
  To V . is + adj 
  V_ing  is + adj 
  S + be + adj + Noun clause (S + V)
 1. It’s interesting to see that film
 To see ______________________________________________________________
 Seeing ______________________________________________________________
 2. It’s hot to drink that tea cup.
 To drink _____________________________________________________________
 Drinking _____________________________________________________________
 10  pleased (adj) : vui lòng  representative (n) : người đại diện
 11. nature (n) : tự nhiên, thiên nhiên 15. reuse (v) : tái sử dụng
  natural (resources) : nguồn tài nguyên thiên  reused (p.p) : được tái sử dụng
 16. One of + danh từ số nhiều 
 12. mix (v) : trộn 
  mixture (n) : hỗn hợp
 8. Air is a ___mixture________ of gases. (mix)
 9. Glass is broken, melted and made into new ___glassware________ (glass)
 10. I was ___pleased____ that you wanted to know about recycling. (please)
 11. Friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment and save 
 ___natural______ resources. (nature)
 12. People use a wooden spoon to __mash_____ the paper. (mesh)
 13. Waste paper can be __reused_____ after being recycling. (reuse)
 14. Linda is one of the __ representatives_______ from friends of the Earth. (represent)
 Active form ( chủ động) Passive voice ( Thể bị động)
6. Hiện tại đơn: S + Vs/ es / V + O   am / is / are + V3/ V_ed 
7. Quá khứ đơn: S + V2 / V_ed + O   was / were + V3/ V_ed 
8. Hiện tại hoàn thành: S + have/ has + V3 / V_ed + O  have / has +been + V3/ V_ed 
9. Modal verbs:can/ will / must / should / have to/ has  Modal verbs + be + V 3/ V_ed 
 to + V(bare) 
10. Bị động câu hỏi  BE + S + V3/ V_ed ?
 + Nếu chủ từ là các đại từ nhân xưng (I / you / we / they / he / she / it) hoặc someone / somebody 
 / people → thì ta có thể bỏ “by +O”
 + Thời gian đặt sau “by +O”, tất cả phần còn lại → đặt trước “by +O”
 13. My father waters this flower every morning.
 This flower is watered by my father every monring __________________________________
 14. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
 Fiona was invited to John’s birthday party by John last night___________
 15. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
 Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day ____________________________________________
 16. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.
 The English grammar has been explained by our teachers _____________________________
 17. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
 The accident was caused in this city by some drunk drivers ___________________________
 18. Tom will visit his parents next month.
 Tom’s parents will be visited by Tom next month ____________________________________
 19. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
 The secretary wasn’t phoned by the manager this morning. ___________________________

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