Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling
 Active S V O 
 Passive S be + PP by O 
 Lan cooks meals 
 Meals are cooked by Lan 
 Task 2 - Set the scene: Ask Ss to listen to the situation. 
 (10’) A famous inventor, Dr Kim, is going to build a time machine. One of his 
Presentatio assistants, Hai, is asking him questions about the invention. He wants to know 
 n when Dr Kim will start the project. How can he say the sentence in the Passive? 
 Model Sentences: 
 When will the project be started? 
 will S be past participle 
 Concept checking: 
 Use: Passive form in the Future Simple 
 Form: will / shall + be + past participle 
 - Have Ss copy down. 
 Practice - Show Ss the questions (prepared on a poster) & ask them to fill in the gaps, 
 using the Passive. 
Production - Prepare 2 separate large cardboards, one for Dr Kim; one for Hai. 
 Hai Dr Kim 
 1. When / will / the project / start? 1. Very soon 
 2. Many people / want / see / time 2. Yes, / It / show / to the public / when / it 
 / machine / finish 
 3. Will / it / build / by the end / 3. I’m afraid not / but / it / finish / before 
 year? Tet 
 4. Will / it / make / by you? 4. No, I / need you / build it. 
 5. Let’s begin tomorrow. 5. When can you start? 
 - Tell Ss half of them are going to play the role of Hai to interview Mr Kim, and the 
 others are Mr Kim. 
 - Model: give one of the cardboards to a good student & ask him/her to 
 demonstrate the interview. Week : 22 Period: 2 
 Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen & Read 
- Introductions of the new topic 
- By the end of the lesson, students will use some expressions to express their interest 
* Grammar: + -ed and - ing participles 
 + Requests with: Would / Do you mind if ? 
 Would / Do you mind + V-ing ? 
* Vocabulary: (n) crop, sugar cane, water buffalo, rice paddy 
III/ TECHNIQUES: Question – answer; Role play; Eliciting 
Cassette tape & recorder; Visual aids; Pictures (copying & enlarging from textbook) 
V/ TIME: 45 minutes 
 Steps Activities 
 Warm-Up - T introduces the new lesson by asking the names of places of interest 
 (7’) which students visited. 
 - T explains the names of places of interest in the box. (page 98) 
 * Matching: 
 - Ss give the meanings of places of interest. 
 - Ss match the places of interest in Viet Nam with their names. (Group work) 
 - The team which finishes first will win the game. 
 Presentatio - T gives a situation by showing a picture: This is the first time the Jones 
 n come to Viet Nam. Hoa meets Tim at the airport. 
 ( 12’ ) - Ss listen to the tape (first time) and then answer the questions: 
 + Who is talking in the dialogue? (Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Shannon, Tim 
 and Hoa) 
 + Where are they now? (They are on the way to Ha Noi.) 
 - Ss listen to the tape (second time) and repeat after the cassette. 
 - Teacher asks some questions about the content 
 1. Where does Hoa meet The Jones? (Hoa meets The Jones at the airport.) 
 2. Is it the first time The Jones have visited Viet Nam? (Yes, it is.) 
 3. How do they travel to Hanoi? (by taxi) 
 4. What do they see on the way to Hanoi? (They see a boy riding a water 
 buffalo, rice paddies, corn and sugar cane fields) 
 5. What would Tim like to do? (He’d like to take a photo.) 
 - T explains new words by using some pictures 
 Compound adjective 
 1) forty-minute (drive) - Hoa meets Tim at the airport. - Tim sees a boy on a 
 water buffalo. 
 - Tim sees a boy on a water buffalo. - They stop to take 
 some photographs. 
 VII/ Homework (3’) 
- Practice the dialogue in group of 5. 
- Learn new words. 
- Prepare : Part 2 (Speak – Listen) 
 VIII. Self-evaluation: 
 Prepared date : 31/1/2021 
 Teaching date : 1/2 – 6/2/2021 
 Week : 22 Period: 3 
 Lesson 2: Speak & Listen 
 * Agreement: 
 No, I don’t mind. /No, of course not. / Not at all. / Please do. / Please go 
 * Disagreement: 
 I’m sorry, I can’t / I’m sorry, it’s impossible / I’d prefer you didn’t. / I’d 
 rather you didn’t. 
 - Have Ss copy. 
 Practice * Pair work: 
 (10’) - Asking Ss to practice speaking the requests and replies in pairs 
 - Some pairs present their performances 
 - Checking pronunciation and intonation. 
 - Teacher takes turns to play the parts of student A then student B using 
 the requests, their replies and the useful expressions 
 - A pair of student practice what the teacher has done to make an 
 - Ss work in pairs, taking turns the parts of student A and B, using as 
 much information on pages 100 and 101 as possible. 
 - Teacher goes around, encourages Ss and help them speak 
 - Checking by asking some pairs perform before the class. 
 - Giving comments. 
 Consolidatio - Focus on the form of the verbs followed by “mind”. 
 n - Giving some exercises to check the form of the verbs followed by 
 (3’) “mind”. 
 - Asking Ss about the uses of requests and suggestions. 
 VIII/ Homework (3’) 
- Learn useful expressions by heart. 
- Choose the information on p.101 & write down 2 complete dialogues, using your own words. 
IX. Self-evaluation: 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_10_recycling.pdf