Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 10: Recycling
 - Introducing new grammar notes shortly. - Listen and write 
 While- Ex: It’s not difficult to remember. I am pleased remember. 
listening: that you want to know more. 
 (15’) That’s easy to say, Miss Blake, but how do 
 we do it? 
 Adjective + to infinitive / noun phrase. 
 - Asking students to reread the new words and - Listen and reread 
 structures. the new words. 
 - Having students practice reading in groups 4 - Work in groups. 
 and change roles: Miss Blake, Ba, Lan and Hoa. 
 - Noticing to correct students’ mistakes. 
 Post- - Calling some pairs of students to practice in - Practice in pairs in 
listening front of the class to check their pronunciation. front of the class. 
 (10’) - Having students read the dialogue silently and - Read and answer the 
 answer the questions. questions. 
 - Having students comparing their answers. - Compare their 
 - Give some opinions. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Write 4 sentences use “Adj + to Inf”. 
 - Prepare Unit 10: Recycling. 
 Period 2: Speak. 
Marks and remarks: 
    
 What can we do...? - Give examples. 
 - Asking students to give examples. - Talk each other 
 based on the dialogue. 
 Task 1: Work in pairs: play 
 - Asking students to reread the dialogue. roles & change roles. 
 - Having students work in pairs. Work in pairs: 
 - Asking some pairs of students to play roles and P1:Which group do 
 read the dialogue in front of the class. clothes belong to? 
 While- P2:Put them in 
speaking Task 2: open contexts. “fabric”. 
 (20’) (using the model dialogue →groups work change P1:What can we do 
 the underlined words) with those clothes? 
 - Correcting the students’ mistakes if there are P2:We can recycle 
 any. them & make them 
 into paper or 
 shopping bags. 
 - Making clear the meaning of the dialogue. - Talk about the 
 Post- - Having students practice speaking in pairs to things can be 
speaking make the same dialogue in the text. recycled. 
 (5’) - Asking students to practice in front of the class. - Free-practice in 
 front of the class. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. - Give opinions & 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite the dialogue. 
 - Prepare Unit 10: Recycling. 
 Period 3: Listen. 
Marks and remarks: 
    
 Post- - Having some students give some answers. - Give the meaning of 
listening - Giving right answers. each sentence. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Write 4 sentences use “can / will”. 
 - Prepare Unit 10: Recycling. 
 Period 4: Read. 
Marks and remarks: 
    
 - Leading exercise 1 (p.93), asking students to - Read the text 
 reread the text and do task 1 (scanning) silently and do task 1. 
 Task 1: reread each text then answer the qs. 
 - Explaining how to do the exercise, asking - Work in pairs: 
 students to do it. compare their 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. answers with their 
 While- Task 2: reread each text then complete the - Do task 2: 
 reading sentences to make a list of recycled things (p.93) a/ are recycled to 
 (20’) - Explaining how to do the exercise and asking make pipes & floor 
 students to do it. covering. 
 - Correcting the mostakes and has some students b/ are cleaned & 
 to correct the false sentences immediately. filled (with milk) 
 c/ is broken up, 
 melted & made into 
 new glassware. 
 d/ are brought back 
 for recycling. 
 e/ make into 
 - Asking students to give their opinions. - Work in groups 4. 
 - Having students prepare one or two following - Show their opinions 
 Post- summaries to speak in front of the class: in front of class. 
 reading * Why do people recycle used things? 
 (7’) * How do they recycle them? 
 - Having students give some problems about - Summary the 
 recycling? content of the text 
 based on cue. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite the answers of task 2 in exercise notebook. 
 - Prepare Unit 10: Recycling. 
 Period 5: Write. 
Marks and remarks: 
    
 complete the recycling instructions (exercise 1.) 1/ use. 2/ mix. 
 - Having students use the verbs and give the 3/ place. 4/ press. 
 While- words in box as prompts to make the instrutions 5/ wrap. 6/ wait. 
 writing on how to repare the dry tea leaves to keep 7/ dry. 
 (18’) mosquitoes away. (exercise 2.) - Practice in pairs. 
 Task 2: 
 - Asking students to read the passage of task 2 - Do task 2. 
 using the similar format to write a notice about 
 the English speaking contest. 
 - Having some students perform in front of the - Perform in front of 
 class by writing their passage on the board. class by writing their 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. passage on the board. 
 Task 3: 
 - Asking students to write 1 or 2 notices about - Work in groups & 
 your class meeting and your sports club meeting. check their answer. 
 - Having some groups perform writing on the - Perform in front of 
 board. the class by write 
 Post- - Correcting the mistakes and giving them marks. their passage on the 
 writing The school Sports Club. board. 
 Date: November 19th. 
 Time: 3.00pm to 6.00pm. 
 Place: School yard. 
 Please contact Nguyen Thi Lan of class 810. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite the task 2 in your exercise notebook.. 
 - Prepare Unit 10: Recycling. 
 Period 6: Language focus. 
Marks and remarks: 
    
 Period 6: Language focus. 
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Give the respond to instructions. 
 - Explain the topic of the lesson simply. 
II/ Language contents: 
detergent dry (v) melt (v) blow (v) dip (v) stir 
mixture (n) pipe (n) shape (n) 
 Grammar: Adjectives followed by an infinitive or a noun phrase. 
 Passive forms. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Role-play, pair- work. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, real objects, overhead projector. 
 - Transparency sheet, flashcards of words. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 - Retelling how to use the Passive forms. - Listen carefully. 
 - Explaining task 1: 
 - Asking students to read the example, - Listen & do task 1. 
 explaining how to use the passive forms to 
Exercise change the active sentences into the passive 
 1 sentences. 
 (15’) - Calling students to write their answers on the - Write their 
 board. sentences on the 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. board. 
 - Retelling the structures of the passive form - Listen & write in 
 with Future tense. their notebooks. 
 - Explaining task 2. 
 - Asking students to complete the dialogue, using - Do task 2. 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_10_recycling.pdf