Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 11: Traveling around Viet Nam

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 11: Traveling around Viet Nam

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 11: Traveling around Viet Nam
 - Showing pictures (Tim, Hoa, Shannon and Mr - Look at the pictures 
 Jones) and introducing the situation: “Hoa meets and listen. 
 Tim at the airport. She’s talking to Tim’s parents 
 answer his sister.” 
 - Playing the tape twice and asking students to - Listen to the tape 
 listen and answer the questions: carefully. 
Presentati * Who does Hoa meet? * Hoa meets Tim’s 
 on family. They’re Tim, 
 (15’) Mrs Jones, Mr Jones 
 and Shannon. 
 * Where are they now? * They’re at the 
 (Can draw students’ attention to the difficult 
 - Asking some questions to introduce new words 
 and structures: 
 Would you mind if?  A request. 
 Would you mind + V-ing?  A request. 
 - Having some students practice in front of the - Work in pairs. 
 - Correcting the mistakhes if there are any. 
 Asking students to read the dialogue silentand do - Read & answer: 
 Practice True / False quiz. a/ T. b/ T. c/ F. 
 (10’) - Asking some questions: d/ T. e/ T. f/ F. 
 Is this the first time Hoa has met Tim’s family? 
 - Asking students to practice Yes- No question - Practice. 
 and answer. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any and - Write. 
 asking students to write in their notebooks. 
 - Showing the pictures and asking students to ask - Work in pairs: use 
 Further & answer about the places of interest in Vietnam. Yes-No questions and 
 practice answer from T-F 
 (8’) quiz. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite the sentences in your notebooks. 
 - Prepare Unit 11: Traveling around Vietnam. 
 Period 2: Speak. 
Marks and remarks: 
 - Asking students to practice in pairs. I asked you a 
 - Giving some examples. question? 
 B: Not at all. 
 A: I want to visit a 
 market. Could you 
 suggest one? 
 B: How about going 
 to Thai Binh market? 
 - Explaining and asking students to do task 2: A: That’s sound 
 - Calling students to practice in front of the class interesting. I’ll go 
 and correcting mistakes if there are any: there. Thanks. 
 A: I want to visit museum but I don’t know where 
 I should go? 
 B: Do you mind if I suggest one? 
 A: Please do. 
 B: I suggest going to History Museum. 
 A: Could you give me some information, please? 
 B: It opens from 8.00 to 11.30 and from 1.00 to 
 4.00 in the afternoon. 
 A: Oh, it’s great. Thank you. 
 - Asking some students to role-play in front of - Work in pairs. 
 Further the class. 
 practice - Asking students to achieve the new dialogues 
 (8’) with their own situation such as a conversation 
 between a mother and her daughter, a boy and 
 his sister. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite a favorite dialogue in your notebook. 
 - Prepare Unit 11: Traveling around Vietnam. 
 Period 3: Listen. 
Marks and remarks: 
    
 Period 3: Listen.  
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Be able to talk about the positions of places. 
 - Develop listening skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
 Vocabulary: Prepositions of position. 
 Grammar: Simple Future tense. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Prediction. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, real objects, overhead projector. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape. 
 Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 - Showing the map and asking students some Look at the map and 
 questions to review some prepositions: answer the questions: 
 Pre- * What’s this? * It’s a bridge. 
listening * Where is C? * It’s opposite the 
 (10’) tourist information 
 * Where is B? * It’s on Phong Lan 
 - Noticing the word: “just off”. Road, just off the high 
 - Showing five flashcards and asking students to way. 
 read them aloud. 
 - Explaining how to do the task and asking * Bus station; 
 students some guessing questions: pagoda; hotel; 
 * Can you guess what A is? temple; restaurant. 
 * Can you guess what B is? 
 * Can you guess where is the bus station is? 
 - Asking some questions: - Listen to the tape & 
 While- * Where is the pagoda? match the places in 
listening * What is number D? the box to their 
 (10’) - Playing the tape again and asking students to correct positions on 
 check their answers. the map. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 Post- - Correcting and giving the right answers. - Work in pairs: 
 Period 4: Read.  
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Know how to talk about interesting resorts and traveling around Vietnam. 
 - Develop reading skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
 Vocabulary: (N): about natural sights, interesting places, traveling around 
 (Adj): about natural character. 
 Grammar: Passive forms. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Scanning, guessing. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, posters. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape, transparency sheet, flashcards of words. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 - Singing the song “Happy New year”. - Sing the song. 
Warm-up - Giving a game: “Lucky numbers” - Play the game. 
 (5’)       
 - Asking questions about interesting resorts and - Answer the 
 traveling around Vietnam: questions. 
 Where is Ha Long Bay? HaLong bay is in 
 Quang Ninh province. 
 Pre- What is interesting in Nha Trang? It is a seaside city. 
 reading What is known I DaLat? There are a lot of 
 (10’) Are there flights to Sapa? flowers in DaLat. 
 Is Ha Long Bay recognized by UNESCO as the Yes, it is. 
 World Heritage Site? - Learn new words. 
 - Teaching new words: resort, sight, departures, 
 accommodation, transport, arrivals, slopes,  
 - Introducing the new reading task and giving 
 task 1: “We’ll read about traveling around 
 Vietnam to get information.” 
 Task 1: How many resorts do people talk about 
 in the reading text? What are they? 
 - Asking students to read the text and do task 1. 
 -Correcting the students’ mistakes if there're any. 
 Task 2: Read the text and complete the information about resorts and 
 Period 5: Write.  
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Be able to complete a narrative. 
 - Develop writing skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
 canoe (n) paddle (n) paddle (v) hire (v) rescue (v) 
 lean overturn (v) 
 Grammar: Present and Past simple. 
 Requests with: Do / Would you mind if  
 Do / Would you mind doing ? 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Guessing. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, overhead projector. 
 - Flashcards of words. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 - Showing pictures of Dalat and asks some - Answer the qs: 
 *Have you ever gone to Dalat? *Yes, I have. 
Warm-up *Do you know Xuan Huong lake? *It is a beautiful lake 
 (5’) in the middle of the 
 - Correcting the students’ mistakes if there are city. 
 - Showing the transparency sheet. - Read the 1st part of 
 - Asking students to read the first part of a story. the story. 
 Pre- - Asking some questions: - Answers: 
 writing: *Where did the Browns go last week? *The browns went to 
 (10’) Dalat last week. 
 *What was the weather like? *The weather was not 
 - Explaining the new words and the content of good. 
 the passage and how to use tense in the narrative. 
 - Showing the sentence cards (having the same c. The wind started to 
 form as in exercise 1 in textbook) blow and the rain UNIT ELEVEN: 
 Period 6: Language focus. 
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Give the requests and respond to instructions. 
 - Explain the topic of the lesson simply. 
II/ Language contents: 
Postpone (v) wrap in (v) keep in (v) 
 Grammar: Requests with: Would / Do you mind if? 
 Would / Do you mind + V-ing? 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Role-play, pair- work. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, real objects, overhead projector. 
 - Transparency sheet, flashcards of words. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 
 - Giving a game: “Quick eyes” - Play the game. 
 (giving some pictures of places: Dalat, Nha 
 Trang, Hue, Ha Long Bay, Nha Rong Harbor, 
Warm-up then asking students to tell the places again 
 (5’) with right order.) 
 - Showing the answer key. 
 - Showing the picture (p.108) then asking - Look at the picture 
 students who each person is. and answer the 
 - Calling some students to answer in front of the questions: 
 class. The boy reading the 
Exercise - Correcting the students’ mistakes if there are book is Ba. 
 1 any. The girls playing 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_11_traveling_around_viet_nam.pdf