Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Making arangements

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 2: Making arangements
 write down the address of someone) 
 - Asking students to work in group and 
 fix the word cards to right pictures. 
 - Having students read new words again Answers: 
 then asking some more questions: 
 * Do you have an address book / a Yes, we do. 
 mobile phone /? 
 * Which things do you often use? I often use a telephone 
 - Showing pictures (photos of Hoa and - Listening to the tape and 
 Nga) and introducing the dialogue: repeat. 
 “This is Nga. She’s making a phone to 
 invite Hoa to see a movie with her. The 
 name of the movie is Dream City. It 
 begins at 6.45 at Sao Mai movie theater. 
 Hoa can go and they are going to meet 
 outside the theater at 6.30” 
 - Asking students to draw the structures - Giving the structures.: 
 they’ve learned. “Would you like?” a 
 - Asking students to practice the polite request. 
 dialogue in pairs. “Let’s + V (Inf)” 
 - Asking students to read the dialogue 
Presentation again to answer the questions: 
 (23’) * Who made a call, Hoa or Nga? Nga made a phone call. 
 * What’s the name of the movie? Dream city. 
 * What time does the movie begin? It’s 6.45. 
 * Who does she want to go with? Hoa. 
 * Where do they meet? Outside the theater. 
 * What time? It’s 6.30. 
 * Who arranged the meeting place? Nga. 
 * Who arranged the time? Hoa. 
 * Who agree the time? Nga. 
 - Playing the tape and asking students to - Some pairs perform in 
 listen and repeat. front of the class. 
 - Reminding students of using the “Be going to + V (inf)” 
 Present continuous to show inventions. 
Consolidatio Students practice asking & answering the questions (p.19), making a 
 n dialogue with these cues (Nam& Ba / cinema / Spiderman / 7.00) 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Do the exercise 4 (p.17) in workbooks & Learn new words by heart. 
 Task 1: Key: 
 - Asking students to read and make a 1.b; 2.f; 3.j; 4.a; 5.i; 6.c; 
 conversation in pairs. 7.e; 8.k; 9.g; 10.h; 11.d. 
 Practice - Asking students to write the correct 
 (12’) conversation, practice in pairs. 
 Task 2: 
 - Having students read the open dialogue. - Reading. 
 (introducing: Bao invites Ba to play 
 - Asking some pairs to practice the - Practicing in pairs. 
 dialogue (they themselves fill in the open 
 - Correcting the mistakes in pronunciation 
 if there are any. 
Consolidation - Asking students to make new dialogues based on the model one. 
 (5’) - Having some pairs practice in front of the class. 
2/ LISTEN: (17’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Asking students to read the message form - Reading the 
 then explaining the information on it. message form. 
 - Explaining some difficult words: make an 
 appointment, available, leave a message. 
 - Introducing secretary, woman and Mrs - Listening. 
 Mary Nguyen in the dialogue and the 
 Pre-listening purpose of the exercises: “Now we listen to 
 (6’) a dialogue on the phone between a woman 
 and the secretary of the principal at 
 Kingston Junior High School. This woman 
 wants to talk to the principal. You listen to 
 the tape and fill the missing information in 
 the card.) 
 While- - Playing the tape three times and having - Listening to the tape 
 listening students listen to the tape and fill the carefully. 
 (4’) information in the message form. 
 - Having students listen to the tape the last - Listening and 
 time and giving the key. writing the right 
Post-listening answers. 
 (7’) - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. - Practicing in pairs. 
 - Having students practice the conversation 
 in pairs. 
 4 answering machine,). Then hide the 
 Warm-up picture, and asking students to write 
 (5’) the objects that they’ve looked on the 
 ( which group has a lot of right words 
 is the winner) 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are 
 any, then giving students marks. 
 - Asking students to think of the - Looking at the picture in 
 answers for the following questions: page 21 and answering the 
 Pre-reading Who invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell. 
 (10’) What’s his nationality? He is a Scotsman. 
 When did he invented the telephone? He invented the telephone 
 in 1876. 
 - Asking students to read the text to - Read. 
 check the answers. 
 - Explaining the new words by using - Listening and repeat the 
 simple English sentences. new words. 
 Silent reading: 
 Task 1: Checking students’ prediction: - Reading the text silently 
 Alexander Graham Bell invented the in 3-4 minutes. 
 telephone. Answer: a. F b. F 
 While- He was a Scotsman. c. T d. F 
 listening He invented the telephone in 1876. e. F f. T 
 (17’) Task 2: Read the text and put the - Reading the text again 
 events in the correct order. and do the task 2 in pairs. 
 - Having some pairs give their answer - Working in pairs. 
 and then checking if they are right. 
 - Asking students to work in groups: - Working in groups. 
 each student states one sentence about 
Post-reading Alexander Graham Bell. 
 (10’) - Representative of each group retells - Retelling the text. 
 the text in his own words. 
 - Taking note the structure: - Listen and remember. 
Consolidation neithernor 
 (3’) - Reviewing the Simple past tense. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Write 5 sentences about the inventor of the telephone. 
 - Learn new words by heart. 
 - Prepare: Unit 2: period 4: Write. 
 6 asking students to fill in the gaps in the 1. telephoned. 
 Pre- passage that follows with the information: 2. May 12th. 
 writing - Asking students to read the whole passage. 3. speak. 
 (10’) - Correcting the mistakes if there are any 4. took. 
 and giving comments. 5. name. 
 6. delivery. 
 7. Mr Ha. 
 8. at. 
 - Asking students to read silently the - Read the information. 
 information about the telephone message in 
 the passage. 
 - Explaining new word: stationery order. 
 (sts in each pair compare their message.) - Use the information in 
 the passage. 
 While- - Checking the answers then correcting - Write the telephone 
 writing errors and giving comments. message in the worksheets. 
 THANH CONG Delivery Service. 
 Date: June 16 
 Time: After midday. 
 For: Mrs Van. 
 Message: Mr Nam called about his 
 stationery order. He wanted you to call 
 him at 8 634 082. 
 Taken by: Mr Toan. 
 - Having students read the message form on - Read the dialogue 
 page 23 again. silently. 
 - Asking students some questions about the 
 information from the dialogue. 
 Who leaves the message? 
 Who does Tom leave the message for? 
 Who is the message taken by? 
 Post- What is the message about? 
 writing - Asking students to practice in groups and - Work in groups. 
 (10’) show their messages in front of the class. 
 Date: (sts write) 
 Time: (sts write) 
 For: Nancy. 
 Message: Tom called about playing tennis 
 this afternoon. He will come to pick you 
 at 1.30. 
 Taken by: Lisa. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 Period 5: Language focus. 
 I/ Objectives: 
 After the lesson, students will: 
 - Be able to describe their intentions. 
 - Develop writing skill. 
 II/ Language contents: 
 - Grammar: Future tense (be going to + V ). 
 - Vocabulary: adverbs of place: 
 Outside inside upstairs downstairs. 
 III/ Techniques: 
 - Communicative approach. 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Gaps-filling, check  and cross . 
 IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures copied and enlarged from textbook. 
 - Flashcards and real object. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape. 
 V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’activities: 
 - Singing the song “What’s the - Sing the song. 
 What’s the weather? – It’s sunny.(2 
Warm-up times) 
 (10’) What’s the weather? – It’s sunny. It’s 
 sunny, today. - Answer the questions. 
 (similar: It’s rainy/ It’s snowy.) 
 “Oh! It’s a beautiful day” 
 “What are you going to do this 
 - Having students write the formation of - Work with their partner. 
 near future tense on the board: 
 S + be going to + V (inf) 
 - Saying: “here are some intentions - Answer the questions: 
 people are going to do. Work with your a. They’re going to go 
Exercise 1 partner to tell what they are going to fishing. 
 (10’) do.” b. She’s going to read new 
 Nga has a movie ticket. novel. 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_2_making_arangements.pdf