Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 4: Our past

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 4: Our past

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 4: Our past
 answer about the things in their family. Do The television. 
Oral practice they have the same things in the picture? The radio. 
 (5’) Do you have a mobile phone? The mobile phone. 
 Do you have school uniform? The lighting fixture. 
 Modern clothing / school 
2/ LISTEN & READ: (30’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Introducing the material and the content - Look at the pictures and 
 of lesson topic (using pictures). listen. 
Pre-reading What Nga’s grandma doing? 
 (5’) Nga’s grandma is telling her a story in the 
 - Playing the cassette tape once. - Listen to the tape. 
 - Playing the tape twice and asking - Listen to the tape again 
 students to listen. and look at the pictures. 
 - Having students answer the questions. - Read silently twice then 
 tell what Nga’s grandma 
 - Teaching new words: works did in the past. 
 (n): great-grandparents, equipment, 
 (v): look after, sound, used to. 
 (adj): traditional. 
 - Leading students to review the usage of - Play role Grandma and 
 some structures: Nga then change role. 
 *Whatlike? (What was life like then?) 
 *Used to (I used to look after my young 
 While- *Had to (I had to stay home and help - Practice the dialogue in 
 reading my mom.) front of the class. 
 (15’) Task 1: 
 - Having students work in pairs: - Work in pairs: ask and 
 (practice the dialogue with their partners) answer the questions in 
 - Having students ask and answer the page 2/39. 
 questions – notice the intonation of the 
 - Correcting the students’ mistakes about 
 pronunciation and intonation if there are 
 Task 2: 
 - Having students work in pairs again. - Work in pairs. 
 - Asking some students to perform 
 questions and answer in front of the class. 
 * Questions: Answers: 
 Where did Nga’s grandma used to live? She used to live on the 
 Period 2: Speak.  
 I/ Objectives: 
 After lesson, students may: 
 - Talk about the differences between past human life and in the present. 
 - Describe the things in the pictures. 
 - Develop speaking skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
 building (n) electricity (n) entertainment (n) 
 work-hard (v) stay home (v) sound (v) 
 every where (adv) all the time (expression) 
 Grammar: Simple past tense: 
 - Used to + V (bare) 
 - Used not to + V (bare) / didn’t use to + V (bare) 
 III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
- Role play, pair- work. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Flashcards and real objects. 
 - Textbooks and pictures in page 40. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape, overhead, transparency sheet. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Introducing the lesson : - Listen. 
 Reminding a story of previous lesson about - Remember and 
 Warm-up Nga and her grandma: answer the questions. 
 (5’) Where did Nga’s grandma use to live? 
 What did Nga’s grandma use to do? 
 What did Nga’s great-grandparents do after 
 - Showing two pictures about ways of - Observe two pictures 
 human life (page 40)- one in the past and on the board. 
Pre-speaking other in the present. 
 (7’) - Teaching new words: building, electricity, - Learn new words. 
 entertainment, work hard, stay home, 
 everywhere, all the time. 
 While- - Having students work in pairs: Describe - Work in pairs. 
 speaking all the things that they see in the pictures. 
 (17’) - Giving some cue questions: - Answers: 
 Where did people live in the past? On the farm / in the OUR PAST 
 Period 3: Listen.  
 I/ Objectives: 
 After lesson, students may: 
 - Listen and understand the main idea of the story “The Lost Shoe”. 
 - Choose one of four titles given the most suitable with the content of the story. 
 - Develop listening skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
 (in) amazement (n) lay / laid (v) discover (v) shout (v) 
 foolish (adj) greedy (adj) excitedly (adv) unfortunately (adv) 
 Grammar: Simple past tense: 
 - Used to + V (bare) 
 - Used not to + V (bare) / didn’t use to + V (bare) 
 III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
- Role play, pair- work. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Flashcards and real objects. 
 - Textbooks and pictures in page 60. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape, overhead, transparency sheet. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Asking students some questions to lead in - Listen and answer the 
 the lesson: questions. 
 Warm-up Who usually tells you the funny stories or 
 (5’) the folktales? 
 Which folktales does your grandma usually 
 tell you? 
 Are those stories interesting? 
 - Giving the requests of the listening lesson. - Listen carefully then 
 choose one of 4 tittles 
 given the most suitable 
 Pre- with the content of that 
 listening story. 
 (5’) - Having students read 4 titles given their - Read four tittles 
 books (a, b, c, d) page 44. silently. 
 While- - Teaching new words: amazement, lay, - Learn new words. 
 listening discover, shout, foolish, greedy, excitedly, 
 (20’) unfortunately. 
 - Playing the tape and having students 
 listen. OUR PAST 
 Period 4: Read  
I/ Objectives: 
 After lesson, students may: 
 - Develop reading comprehension skill. Read and understand a fairy story. 
 - Retell a fairy tale shortly. 
II/ Language contents: 
 cruel to (adj) upset (adj) magically (adv) rag (n) 
 harvest festival (n) appear (v) changeinto (v) fall in love with (v) 
 Grammar: Simple past tense: 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Scanning, guessing. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Flashcards of new words. 
 - Textbook , pictures and posters. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape, overhead, transparency sheet. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Using the picture and asking some - Listen and answer the 
 questions to introduce the story: questions. 
 Warm-up Do you know this story? 
 (5’) Can you guess from the title? 
 Who was Little Pea? 
 Who lost the shoe? 
 - Introducing the content of the text. - Listen. 
 - Explaining some new words: cruel to, 
Pre-reading upset, rag, broken heart, harvest festival, 
 (8’) appear, changeinto. 
 - Having student skim the text silently to - Listen and answer the 
 answer the questions above. questions. 
 - Correcting the students’ answers. 
 Task 1: 
 While- - Having students read the story again then - Read the story and 
 reading find the word or phrase to complete the answer the questions. 
 (17’) sentences in task 1. 
 - Having students showing their answers in - Read silently again then 
 front of the class. compare the answers 
 - Correcting the students’ mistakes if there with their partner: 
 are any. a) a farmer. 
 b) died. 
 Task 2: c) usedagain. 
 - Having students read silently the fairytale d) Mary / choose 
 - Asking students to answer the 6) tied. 8) burned. 
 questions and then correcting them. 7) lit. 9) escaped. 
 - Having students read the answers in 
 front of the class. 
 Task 2: 
 Sample sentence: 
 One day, as I was in the field and my 
 buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger 
 While- came... - Listen. 
 writing (note: kinds of words-pronouns, - Reread the story. 
 (18’) possessive pronouns) 
 - Having students retell the story, play - Work in groups. Each 
 role the man. group produces one 
 - Having some groups of students write sentence and then 
 the answers on the board. compares their sentences 
 in groups and corrects. 
 - Having students work in groups to - Work in groups. 
 Post- summarize the content of the story. 
 writing - Correcting errors and giving students 
 (10’) marks. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Learn new words & remember by heart. 
 - Review structure with “used to + V (bare)”. 
 - Write a short imaginary story. 
 - Prepare Unit 4: Language focus (p. 44 + 45). 
VII/ Marks and remarks: 
    
 Period 6: Language focus. 
I/ Objectives: Hoa: I was at home. 
 d) Chi: Which subject did you have 
 Ba: I had Math. 
 - Correcting errors and giving students 
 - Complete the sentences. Use the Work in pairs. 
 prepositions in the table (p. 44). Practice then compare 
Exercise 3 - Asking students to use the prepositions in the answers: 
 (8’) the table to complete the sentences. a) on. d) after. 
 b) in. e) before. 
 c) between. 
 - Complete the dialogue, use “Used to” - Look at the pictures 
 and the verbs in the box (p. 45). and the table of the 
Exercise 4 - Asking students to use “Used to” to verbs. 
 (10’) complete the dialogue (work in pairs). - Compare their 
 - Correcting errors and asking students to answers. 
 draw the grammar point. - Some students read the 
 complete sentences. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Rewrite the exercises in your notebook. 
 - Write 5 sentences, using “Used to”. 
 - Write 5 sentences, using prepositions of time. 
 - Prepare Unit 5: Study habits. 
 Period 1: Getting started – Listen and read. 
VII/ Marks and remarks: 
    

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