Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 5: Study habits

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 5: Study habits
 - Introducing the dialogue by showing - Look at the picture & 
 picture: “This is Tim and his mom. They listen to the tape. 
Presentation are talking about Tim’s report card”. 
 (15’) - Playing the tape twice and asking - Answer the questions: 
 students some questions: 
 *Who is Tim? He’s a students. 
 *Is Tim a good student? Yes, he is. 
 *What were Tim and his mother talking They were talking about 
 about? Tim’s report card. 
 - Explaining vocabulary by using a real - Listen and repeat the new 
 object (a report card) and simple English words. 
 - Report card 
 - To be proud of s.o. 
 - Should → advice. 
 - Improve. 
 - Playing the tape again and asking 
 students to read silently. 
 - Having students practice the dialogue in - Practice the dialogue in 
 pairs. pairs. 
 - Asking students to do task 2 (p.47), then - Answer the questions: 
 answer the given questions: 
 a- Was Tim out when his mother called No, he wasn’t. 
 Practice b- Did Tim’s mother meet his teacher at No, he didn’t. 
 (10’) school? 
 c- Is Tim’s report card poor? No, it isn’t. 
 d- Does Tim’s mother want him to Yes, she does. 
 improve one thing? 
 e- Does Tim need to improve his Spanish No, he doesn’t. 
 f- Did Tim promise to try his best in Yes, he did. 
 learning Spanish? 
 - Asking some students to go to the board - Use yes- No questions to 
 (one by one) and check the boxes. ask & answer with True or 
 Further - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. False. 
 practice - Asking some questions. 
 (8’) - Having students read the dialogue 
 silently then answer the questions (task 3 
 – p. 47) Period 2: Speak and Listen.   
I/ Objectives: 
 After lesson, students may: 
 - Develop their speaking and listening skills. 
 - Ask and talk about the diligence in students’ learning English at school. 
II/ Language contents: 
Behavior (n) participation (n) co-operation (n) term (n) 
Satisfactory (adj) >< unsatisfactory fair (adj) excellent (adj) 
 Grammar: Modal verb: should 
 Request verb – Advice in reported speech. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Prediction. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, word cards. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape, overhead, transparency sheet. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Asking students some questions: Answer the questions: 
 *Do you often speak English outside the No, I don’t. 
 Warm-up class? 
 (5’) *Is your speaking well? It’s not very well. 
 *Which problems do you have in learning (free answers). 
 - Introducing the content of new lesson by - Listen. 
 saying: “Today, we are going to speak about 
 our study such as subjects, time for 
 - Asking students to read some questions in -Read the questions and 
 Practice textbook (p. 48). find out the right 
 (12’) - Asking some questions: answers: 
 *When do you do your homework? 
 I do my homework after 
 *Who help you with your homework? dinner. 
 *How much time do you spend on these My father helps me. 
 subjects: math, literature, English, I spend more than two 
 *Which subjects do you need to improve? hours on these subjects. 
 - Asking students to review some adverbs of I need improve Math 
 frequency: always, often, usually, and English. your writing? 
 *How about your listening comprehension? I often have 7 marks. 
 *And your speaking and reading? I often have 8 marks. 
 While- - Playing the tape and asking students to - Listen and correct the 
 listening listen. answers by themselves. 
 (7’) - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 - Asking students to answer the questions in 
 front of the class, then giving the answer 
 Questions: Answers: 
 Does Sarah Chen have an attendance of 87 87 days present. 
 Post- days at school? 
 listening How many days of school did she miss? 5 days absent. 
 (10’) How are her participation and cooperation? Participation: S. 
 Reading: A. 
 Are her speaking and reading poor? Speaking: A 
 How about her writing and listening? Writing: B 
 Listening: C 
Consolidatio - Asking students to practice English - Do exercises, learn by 
 n fluently to have good result in their heart the lesson and 
 (6’) studying. prepare new lesson 
 before going to school. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Learn new words by heart. 
 - Write a passage of your studying English. 
 - Prepare Unit 5: Study habits. 
 Period 3: Read. 
VII/ Marks and remarks: 
 - Asking students to read silently. Read the text silently. 
 - Having students fill in each blank with Do task 1: 
 the right word: (1) list 
 Language learners learn words in many (2) mother tongue 
 ways. Some learners make a(1)and (3) heart 
 put into it the meaning of new words in (4) know 
 their (2) , and try to learn them (5) paper 
 by(3)However, others do not. Instead, (6) come 
 they write one or two example sentences (7) underline 
 with each new word in order to(4)how (8) different 
 to use the words in the right way. In order (9) necessary 
 to remember words better, some learners (10) revise 
 even write each word and its use on a 
 small piece of (5)and stick it 
 somewhere in their house so as to learn it 
 any time. Many language learners don’t 
 try to learn all new words they(6) 
While- across. They usually(7)or highlight 
reading only the words they want to learn. This 
 (18’) help them remember important words. 
 There are also(8)ways of learning the 
 same number of words. For example, if 
 you try to learn ten words in two days, you 
 can do so in two ways. You can learn the 
 first five words the first day, and then 
 learn the other five the next day. However, 
 because revision is(9), you can learn 
 all the ten words the first day and (10) 
 them the next day. This help you practice 
 the words more times. Language learners 
 should try different ways of learning 
 words so as to find out the best way for 
 themselves. Ask yourself the question: how 
 should I learn words? 
 - Having students do task 2: TRUE or - Do task 2: 
 *Learners learn new words in only one False. 
 *All language learners write the meaning False. 
 of new words in their mother tongue. 
 *Some learners write examples of words True. I/ Objectives: 
 After lesson, students may: 
 - Develop their writing skill. 
 - Write letters for their friend or their relatives. 
II/ Language contents: 
head (n) body of the letter (n) closing (n) opening (n) 
Christmas vacation (n) pen pal (n) postcard (n) Lunar New year 
 Grammar: Request verb – Advice in reported speech. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Scanning, guessing. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Posters, overhead projector. 
 - Flashcards. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Giving a nought & crosses game with - Play the game. 
 some words: 
 Letter Receive Excellent 
 Warm-up Close friend Semester Improve 
 (5’) send festival Math 
 - Asking students to make their own 
 sentences with one of word that they 
 - Correcting errors then giving the students 
 - Explaining some new words: head, body - Write new words. 
 of the letter, closing, opening, Christmas 
 Pre-writing vacation, celebrate, postcard, Lunar New 
 (8’) year. 
 - Reading and asking students to repeat the - Listen & repeat. 
 new words. 
 While- Task 1: Look at Hoa’s letter to Tim. She - Do task 1. (work in 
 writing wrote it at the end of term. Identify the groups) 
 (15’) sections. Label them with correct letter: 
 A Body of the letter. 
 B Heading- writer’s address and the date. 
   
 Period 5: Language focus. 
I/ Objectives: 
 Systemize and review the items the students have studied: 
 - Report someone’s speech. 
 - Make advises or requests. 
 - Know how to use adverbs of manners. 
II/ Language contents: 
 Vocabulary: that were learned in last periods. 
 Grammar: Modal verb: should 
 Request verb – Advice in reported speech. 
 Adverb of manners. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Pair work, gap- fill. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, posters, overhead projector. 
 - Flashcards. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Dividing the class into 2 groups and - Write on the board. 
 asking students to write the adjectives and 
 adverbs on the board: 
 Adverbs: Adjectives: 
 Well Good 
 Badly Bad Task 4: Report Miss Jackson’s advice. 
 - Having students read the example. 
 - Reminding the structure: should + V. 
 - Asking students to work in pairs. 
 - Correcting errors. 
 - Asking students to make advices and - Make advices & 
 requests. requests. 
 Production - Asking students to work in pairs: using - Work in pairs. 
 (8’) adverbs & adjectives to make sentences. 
 - Correcting errors. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Write exercise 3, 4 on page 53 in the exercise notebooks. 
 - Prepare Unit 6: The young pioneers club. 
 Period 1: Getting started – Listen & read. 
VII/ Marks and remarks: 
   

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