Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 7: My neighborhood

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 7: My neighborhood

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 7: My neighborhood
 - Showing pictures (p. 63) and get students sugar. Where can we go? 
 work in groups. - We can go to a grocery 
 - Asking questions about students’ store. 
 neighborhood where can she go? *Is there a grocery store 
 near your house? 
 – Yes, there is. 
 b/ What’s this? 
 – A swimming pool. 
 *Is there a swimming 
 pool near your house? 
 – Yes, there is. 
 *How often do you go 
II/ LISTEN & READ: (30’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Introducing the material and the content of - Look at the pictures and 
 lesson topic. (using pictures) listen to the teacher. 
 - Having students ask and supply some 
 information about a residential quarter. 
Lead-in / Introducing the situation of the dialogue 
 Pre- between Nam and Na. 
 reading. - Asking students some questions: - Answer the questions. 
 (5’) *How long has Na been there? 
 *What does she want to buy? 
 *Where does she go? 
 - Playing the tape and asking students to - Close the books and 
 listen. listen to the tape. 
 - Playing the tape twice and asking students - Listen & repeat. 
 to listen. 
 - Having students practice reading in pairs. - Work in pairs. 
 - Noticing to correct the students’ mistakes. 
 - Asking some pairs of students to practici the 
 While- dialogue in front of the class to check their 
 reading pronunciation. 
 (15’) - Explaining some new words: neighborhood, - Learn new words. 
 corner, pancake, since, serve. 
 Introducing new grammar notes shortly: 
 We’ve been here since last week. 
 We’ve been her for about 10 years. 
 - Having students read the dialogue silently - Read silently then fill in 
 and find the suitable words to fill in the the blanks. 
 - Having students comparing their answers. - Compare their answers 
 with others in groups. 
 - Having some students read aloud their - Read. UNIT SEVEN: MY NEIGHBORHOOD. 
 Period 2: Speak.  
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Speak English when sending a letter or a parcel in a post office. 
 - Develop speaking skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
Surface mail (n) airmail (n) item (n) charge (n) weight (n) 
Charge (v) weigh (v) 
 To send a parcel airmail. 
 a letter surface mail. 
 To send a parcel Hanoi. 
 a postcard to Quy Nhon. 
Grammar: The present perfect tense with “for” and “since”.. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Pair work, play- role. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, real objects, overhead projector. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 Introducing the stuation of the dialogue by - Listen & answer the 
 showing an evelope then asking question: question. 
 Where must I go top send a letter? 
Warm-up Showing a picture (p.64) and asking question: “at the post office” 
 (5’) I want to send this letter to Hanoi, where must I 
 go? // I want to send this letter but I have no 
 stamp, where can I buy it? 
 - Introducing the situation of the dialogue - Listen carefully. 
 between Clerk and Mrs Kim: Mrs Kim want to 
 send a parcel and the surface mail to Quy - Read the dialogue 
 Nhon. Now you read the dialogue to find how silently. 
 she send them. - Work in pairs. 
 Pre- - Having students read the dialogue in pairs. 
speaking - Explaining new words and structures: - Learn new words. 
 (7’) New words: 
 Nouns: Verbs: 
 Parcel Charge 
 Surface mail Weigh 
 Airmail Send a parcel mail 
 Item Send a letter surface mail 
 - Giving some examples: - Prepare Unit 7: My neighborhood. 
 Period 3: Listen. 
Marks and remarks: 
 listening to the tape. 2. Town ground. 
 3. English speaking 
 - Having students listen to the tape again and 4. Culture house. 
 check the correct box for True- false, No - Listen carefully. 
 - Asking students to give the answers and - Give the answers. 
 Post- others give their opinions. 
listening - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. T – F – F – F – T – N. 
 (7’) - Asking students to write 2 sentences about the - Write their sentences. 
 performance they like and the places they enjoy 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Write 4 sentences use the present perfect tense. 
 - Prepare Unit 7: My neighborhood. 
 Period 3: READ. 
Marks and remarks: 
 - Introducing exercise 1 / 68, asking students to Read and do task 1. 
 reread the text and do task 1 (in groups). 
 Task 1: Reread the text stick T or F then 
 correct the false sentences. 
 - Correcting task 2 and having some volunteers Work in pairs. 
 to correct the false sentences immediately. Read and answer the 
 While- 1. The mall is opened six days a week. questions. 
 reading 2. There are more than 50 stories in the mall. Correct True / False: 
 (12’) 3. Everyone in the neighborhood is pleased a) F b) F 
 about the new mall. c) F d) F 
 4. It will be more comfortable to shop in the e) T f) T 
 mall than in the present shopping area. a) F: the mall is open 
 5. Some of the stories on Tran Phu street may daily (7 days a week). 
 have to close. b) F: there are 50 
 Task 2: Reread and answer the questions in stories in the mall. 
 pairs. c) F: not everyone is 
 - Introducing exercise 2 / 68. pleased about the new 
 - Asking students to give their opinions. - Work in groups 4. 
 - Having students prepare 1 of 2 following - Work in groups and 
 Post- summaries to speak in front of the class: show in front of the 
 reading - Advantages of the new mall near Nam’s class. 
 (5’) neighborhood. - Summarizing the 
 - Some problems cause to residents in Nam’s content of the text 
 neighborhood. based on cue. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Write the answers of the task 2 in exercise notebook. 
 - Prepare Unit 7: My neighborhood. Period 5: Write. 
Marks and remarks: 
 Please contact Pham Van Tai at the above 
 address for more information. - Practice in pairs and 
 * When do they have a meeting? check the answers 
 * What time does it begin? with their partner. 
 * Where does it happen? 
 * Who can they ask for more information? 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 - Asking students to reread the notice and draw 
 out the format of the community notice. 
 Task 2: 
 - Asking students to read the passage of task 2, - Perform in front of 
 use the similar format to write a notice about the the class by writing 
 English speaking contest. their passage on the 
 - Having some students perform before the class board. 
 by writing their passage on the board. 
 - Correcting the mistakes. 
 Task 3: - Work in groups & 
 - Asking students to write 1 or 2 notices about check their answer. 
 your class meeting or your sports club meeting. 
 - Having some groups perform writing on the - Some groups 
 Post- board. perform in front of 
 writing - Correcting their mistakes if there are any and the class by writing 
 (10’) giving them marks. their passage on the 
 The school sports club: board. 
 Date: November 19th. 
 Time: 3.00pm to 6.00pm. 
 Place: school yard. 
 Please contact Nguyen An Binh of class 810 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Write the notice 2 in your exercise notebook. 
 - Write a passage from notice 3. 
- Prepare Unit 7: My neighborhood. 
 Period 6: Language focus. 
Marks and remarks: 
   - Expalining how to do task 2 by asking some - Practice in pairs then 
 questions. check their answer with a 
 - Asking students to complete the expression partner. 
 by using “for” or “since”. - Perform in front of the 
 - Correcting the mistakes: class, write it on the 
 For five minutes. For three hours. board. 
 Since January. For ten weeks. - Read & say its 
 Since 1990. Since Friday. meaning. 
 Since the summer. For 20 years. 
 Task 3: - Do task 3: 
 - Asking students to review irregular verbs Haven’t eaten. 
 (P.P) Haven’t seen. 
 - Having students complete the sentences use Have attended. 
 the Present perfect form of the verbs in Has worked. 
 brackets. Has collected. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. - Do task 4: 
 Task 4: Have been. Hope. 
 - Asking students to complete the Have – lived. Is. 
 conversation. - Use the correct form of the Want. Looks. 
 verbs in the box. Have – lived. Have seen. 
 - Correcting the mistakes. - Do task 5: 
 Task 5: Not as cheap as. 
 - Reviewing the comparative of adjectives. The same as. 
 - Asking stuidents to look at the pictures As cheap as. 
 complete the sentences. Use the words in the Different from. 
 box. As long as. 
 Not as modern as. 
 Not as / so cheap as. 
VI/ Homework: (3’) 
 - Write the exercise in your exercise notebook. 
 - Learn by heart all the structures. 
- Prepare Unit 8: Country life & City life. 
 Period 1: Getting started – Listen & read. 
Marks and remarks: 
    

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