Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 8: Country life & cuty life

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 8: Country life & cuty life

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 8: Country life & cuty life
 about the conutry’s life. 
 - Explaining new words by giving examples: - Learn new words. 
 accesible, facility, peaceful, permanently. 
 Task 1: - Practice in pairs. 
 - Asking students to practice the dialogue with 
 their partner. 
 - Calling some pairs to practice in front of the - Practice in front of the 
 class. class. 
 - Correcting the students’ mistakes if there are 
 Practice - Asking some questions to draw the new - Listen carefully. 
 (10’) structure. 
 Task 2: 
 - Having students repeat the dialogue and - Do task 2: 
 answer the questions of task 2. * Na has been the 
 - Explaining sentence f. countryside. 
 - Asking students to practice in pairs, then * She was there for the 
 checking their answers. weekend. 
 - Calling some students to perform in front of * It is quiet and 
 the class, write their answers on the board. peaceful. 
 * She doesn’t want to 
 lve there. 
 - Correcting the mistakes. 
 - Checking students’ understanding about the - Answer the questions. 
 - Asking some questions: 
 Further * Did Na go to the seaside for the weekend? 
 practice * Did Na like to live in the countryside? 
 (8’) * Do you tell why Hoa prefers the countryside? 
 - Correcting the mistakes and giving students 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Write exercise 2 in your exercise notebook. 
 - Write 4 sentences, using Present Progressive tense. 
 - Prepare Unit 8: Country life & City life. 
 Period 2: Speak. 
Marks and remarks: 
  - Calling some pairs to perform in front of the 
 class & write their answer on the board. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any: 
 * The traffic was quiet -> The traffic is getting 
 * The houses were small -> The houses are 
 getting more modern. 
 Task 1: 
 - Explaining task 2: Talk about changes in your - Work in groups. 
 hometown, using the Present progressive tense. 
 Practice (can give students some cues). 
 (10’) - Asking some groups perform in front of the - Perform in front of 
 class: say own groups’ opinions, the others can the class. 
 give remarks. 
 - Correcting the students’ mistakes if there are 
 Task 2: 
 - Explaining task 2: Talk about changes in your - Some groups perform 
 hometown, using the Present progressive tense. in front of the class: say 
 - Asking students to work in groups, talk about own group’s opinions, 
 Further the changes in their district, city,  using the the others can give 
 practice sample sentences of task 1. remarks: 
 (6’) (can give some cues). 
 - Correcting the mistakes. 
 - Asking students: “Tell me some changes in Street – large. 
 your school”: City – beautiful. 
 Tree -> green trees. Garden – flowers. 
 Pupil -> good pupils. Trees – green trees. 
 Yard -> tidy. 
 - Giving cues. 
B/ LISTEN: (20’) 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Asking students some questions: - Listen and answer the 
 * Do your relatives live far from you? Yes, they do. 
Warm-up * Do you often phone them? Yes, I do. 
 (3’) * Have you ever visited them? No, I haven’t. 
 * Are you going to visit them? I’m going to visit them 
 this summer. 
 - Asking students to look at the pictures and - Look at the pictures. 
 Pre- then introducing the conversation between 
listening Lan & her aunt Hang. 
 (4’) - Asking students a question: What’s aunt - Answer the question. 
 Period 3: Read.  
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Know how to talk about some problems os country life and city life. 
 - Develop reading skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
typhoon (n) flood (n) drought (n) strain (n) tragedy (n) 
migrant (n) rural (adj) plentiful (adj) urban (adj) 
struggle (v) 
 Grammar: The Present progressive tense. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
 - Scanning, guessing. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, real objects, overhead projector. 
 - Cassette player and cassette tape. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
Warm-up - Greetings and singing a song: “Children of the - Sing the song. 
 (3’) world unite”. 
 - Asking students some questions: - Listen & answer 
 the questions: 
 * Do you think many people move to live in the Yes, I do. 
 city: Good job, get more 
 * Why do they want to go the city? money, 
 Pre- Overcrowded, 
 reading * What will happen when so many people move to population 
 (10’) the city? increase, 
 - Introducing the new lesson by saying: “You’ll 
 read a text about the moving of people to the city 
 and its resuilts.” 
 - Explaining new words: typhoon, flood, drought, - Learn new words. 
 strain, tragedy, facility, migrant, rural, plentiful, 
 urban, struggle. 
 Period 4: Write.  
I/ Objectives: 
 By the end of the lesson, students may: 
 - Know how to write a letter. 
 - Develop writing skill. 
II/ Language contents: 
Grammar: The Present simple tense. 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Questions and answers. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
 - Pictures enlarged from textbook, real objects, overhead projector. 
V/ Procedures: 
 Steps: Teacher’s activities: Students’ activities: 
 - Giving a game: - Work in groups of 
 * Dividing the class into 2 groups, and asking six (arrange the letter 
 students to arrange the letter in correct order: in correct order). 
 (which group have the correct answer in the 
 shortest time is the winner) 
Warm- Best 14 Ly Chieu Hoang Street. 
 (5’) Dear Write soon and tell me all 
 Donna, your news. 
 Thanks for your letter. I’m 
 10, 2004 
 pleased to hear 
 * Remarking and giving the students marks. 
 - Asking students some questions: - Listen and answer 
 the questions: 
 Pre- * Do you often write to someone? * Yes, I do. 
writing * What do you write first? * I write the date. 
 (8’) * What do you write after greetings? * I ask about his or 
 her health. 
 tense in the dialogue. do task 1: 
 - Asking students to practice in front of the class. - Perform in front of 
 the class, write the 
Language - Correcting the students’mistakes. structure in their 
 focus notebook. 
 (36’) Task 2: 
 - Expalining how to do task 2 by asking some - Do task 2: 
 questions. am playing – are 
 - Asking students to complete the dialogue. doing – am watching 
 - Correcting the mistakes: – am going – are 
 - Asking students to practice the dialogue with cleaning – am having. 
 their partner. - Work in pairs. 
 Task 3: - Do task 3: 
 - Asking students to complete the sentences. are getting weak – is 
 - Having students complete the sentences use the getting dark – is 
 Present progressive form of the verbs in brackets becoming cold – are 
 with “getting” or “becoming”. getting better – is 
 becoming clearer. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 Task 4: 
 - Reviewing the comparative of adjectives. - Listen carefully & 
  as + Adj / Adv + as  give examples. 
 Adj-er + than  
 more + Adj + than  
 - Asking students to give some examples. 
 - Having students do task 4. 
 - Correcting the mistakes. 
 Task 5: 
 - Showing the advertisements on the board and - Look at the 
 asking students to look at it. advertisements. 
 - Asking students to look at the pictures of the 
 apartment and a villa then use the adjectives in - Do task 5: 
 the box to compare them. *The house is more 
 expensive than the 
 *The villa is the most 
 *The house is smaller 
 than the villa. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. *The apartment is the 

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