Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first - Aid course

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first - Aid course

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 9: A first - Aid course
 * Asking for advice. the class. 
 * Giving first-aid instructions. 
 * Arranging for an ambulance. 
 * Saying the injured person’s name. 
 - Checking the answers and explaining of the - Reread the dialogue 
 students. and select the topics 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. covered in the 
Consolidatio - Using the pictures again to help students to - Pair work: retell the 
 n say more easily. situations which 
 (5’) require first-aid. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite the dialogue. 
 - Prepare Unit 9: (cont) 
 Period 2: Listen & read. 
Drawing experience : 
    
 ( Ex: Can you get me that ruler ? - Practice real 
 Can I get you a correction pen ? ) situations in the class. 
 Further - Sticking 3 pictures : 
 practice (5’) * a girl has a burn on her arm . 
 * a boy has a bad cut on his leg. 
 * a girl has a nose bleed. - Sts work in pairs. 
 - Saying the new structures again. - Listen & remember. 
Consolidation - Some sts reasy the 
 (5’) new structures. 
2/ LISTEN: (15’) 
 - Asking sts where people in the picture are -Sts answer 
Pre- listening and what each person is doing . -These people are in the 
 (5’) - Explaining the exercise , then the new hospital 
 words in the box and some words while 
 listening : paramedic, eyesight, wheel 
 - Asking sts to get ready to listen to the tape 
 and match . 
 While- - Guiding Sts just to focus on the keys words -Sts listen to the tape 
listening (4’) they hear to put them in correct order (5passages ) 
 -Sts listen again with a 
 pause after each passage 
 Post- - Giving correct answers. -Sts listen again and 
listening (6’) arrange the correct words 
 in order. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and phrases. 
 - Write requests offers & promises. 
 - Prepare Unit nine: (cont) 
 Period 3: Read. 
Drawing experience : 
 or lower his/her head below cold. 
 the level of the heart. 
 - Give the victim a cup of 
 tea when he/she revives. 
 - Don’t overheat the 
 victim with blankets or 
 SHOCK coats. 
 - Don’t give the victim 
 any food or drink. 
 - Don’t give the victim 
 drugs or alcohol. 
 - Cool the burns 
 immediately so as to 
 minimize tissue damage. 
 - Put the affected part under 
 BURNS running cold tap. 
 - Ease pain with ice or cold 
 water packs. 
 - Cover the burned with a 
 thick sterile dressing. 
 - Introducing the way how to give instructions with: 
 V-inf =/= Don’t + V-inf. 
 Should =/= shouldn’t + V-inf. 
 - Explaining other new words. 
 Task 3: 
Post-reading - Asking students to do task 3 in the book. - Do the exercise: 
 (10’) (work in groups) a- A; b- B; c- A; d- A; 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. e- A. 
Consolidatio - Asking students to practice giving first-aid - Work in pairs. 
 n: instructions in other cases. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Do exercise 2 in workbook p. 55. 
 - Prepare Unit 9: A first-aid course. 
 Period 4: Write. 
Drawing experience : 
    
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 - Asking some questions: - Read the letter 
 a/ Have you ever written a letter? and answer the 
 b/ Have you ever written or received a thank-you questions. 
 Pre- note? (group work) 
 writing c/ What did Hoa send Nga? 
 (8’) d/ What were they like? 
 e/ How does Nga feel now? 
 f/ Does Nga invite Hoa to her place? 
 g/ When will Nga contact with Hoa? 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 - Asking students to complete the letter (task 1/p.84) - Write a thank-
 Was- were- helped- came- am- will- phone. you note to a 
 friend and invite 
 While- their friends to 
 writing go on a picnic 
 (10’) with them (using 
 (exercise 2). 
 Post- - Correcting the errors. - Read aloud 
 writing their letters. 
 Free- - Students use the same format to write another letter to someone for 
 practice another accasions. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Write a thank-you note to your classmate for sending you a birthday gift. 
 - Prepare Unit 9: Period 5: Language focus. 
 - Drawing experience : 
    
 - Calling some students to practice the dialogue - Work in pairs. 
 in front of the class. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
 - Explaining task 4 and asking students to do it. - Listen carefully. 
 - Showing the picture a & asking students to talk - Look at the picture 
 about the picture. & talk about it. 
 - Asking students to read the example. - Read. 
 - Helping students recognize the situation and 
Exercise 4 read the verbs in the box. 
 (15’) - Asking students to look at the pictures and - Make requests, 
 make requests, offers and promises, using the offers and promises. 
 words in the box. 
 - Calling some pairs of students to practice the - Work in pairs. 
 dialogue in front of the class. 
 - Correcting the mistakes if there are any. 
Consolidati - Asking students to retell the structures of the - Read in front of 
 on Simple Future tense. the class. 
VI/ Homework: (2’) 
 - Learn new words and remember by heart. 
 - Rewrite the exercises in your exercise- book. 
 - Prepare Unit 10: Period 1: Getting started – Listen & read.. 
Drawing experience : 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_8_unit_9_a_first_aid_course.pdf