Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal
 Warm-up -T introduces and explains the rules of the game "Cross ot out" 
and Getting (Content: 
started (12’) 1 person you play with: friend 
 2 people in your family: mother and father 
 3 people you see in the hospital: doctor, nurse and patient 
 1 person that love children: teacher 
 2 people that go to school almost every day: student, pupil 
 1 people taking care of baby 
 2 people in the government: president, minister 
 * 1 word left: pen pal) 
 -Ss observe the pictures and guess the name of the places or the 
 activities in the pictures. 
 -Ss work in group to discuss the places to go to and what 
 activities to do if a foreign pen pal is coming to stay with them 
 for a week. 
 Listen and -Ss listen to and sing the song "I love you , you love me ". 
 read -T introduces the situation of the text. 
Pre-reading -T has Ss listen to the tape and briefly explains the meaning of 
 (5’) the new words and the grammar points. 
 -Ss listen to the tape again and read it silently. 
 While- -T asks some comprehension questions to check the Ss' 
reading (15’) understanding 
 -Ss work in group to discuss the questions 
 (.Is Maryam from Malaysian? 
 .How long have Maryam and Lan written to each other? 
 .Have they ever met each other? 
 .Was Maryam interested in Hanoi? 
 .Let's tell the places the two girls visited and the activities they 
 did in Hanoi. 
 .What did Lan wish, and what did Maryam wish? 
 .Will they continue to write letters to each other? How do you 
 -Ss answer the above questions then do the task below the text. 
Post-reading -Ss work in group, imagine they and Maryam are talking. Ss 
 (15’) have to make a conversation about the places they will visit and 
 the activities they will do and then practice the conversation. 
 -Ss imagine they are offered 3 wishes so they will think and 
 write 3 wishes and read them to their friends. 
Homework -Ss collect the pictures about the cities in the next part of the 
 (3’) lesson and the world map. 
 -Ss write a short paragraph about their summer vacation they 
 have just spent. 
VI/ Self - evaluation: 
 expressions in self introduction. 
 Practice -Ss work in pairs, carry out task a 
 (20') -T introduces 3 other situation, using the world map and the pictures 
 of 3 cities and asks Ss to locate these cities in the map. 
 -Ss work in groups, take turn to act Maryam's role and make the 
 Production -Ss work in pairs, (one takes the roles of another friend of Maryam's 
 (10') from any city (or country)), make the similar dialogue. 
 -Ss can come to the front to act out the dialogue they have just made. 
Homework -Ss do the exercise 2 in WB (p.6,7) and collect things related to 
 (5') Malaysia's tradition (unit of currency, pictures or sourvenirs...) 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 3: Listen 
After finishing the lesson, Ss may 
-develop listening skill 
-be able to listen to and follow an introduction 
II/Language content: 
-Grammar: would rather + verb(base form) 
-Story- telling 
-Questions and answers 
-Filling in the gap 
IV/Teaching aids: 
-World map 
-Ss' card used in the game 
V/Time and procedures: 45' 
Warm-up and -T introduces the training game "INTRODUCTION" to get to know 
pre-listening each other a little better. 
 (15') -Ss fill in the sheet and then exchange them. T ask some to stand up 
 to introduce his or her friends. The other listen and guess who is the 
 person mentioned in the introduction. Week: 
Period: 4 
Teaching Date: 
 Lesson 4: Read 
I/ Objectives: 
After finishing the lesson, Ss may. 
- develop reading skill 
- have more knowledge of Malaysia 
II/ Language contents: 
 - words related to Malaysia (religion, population, languages, area, climate, location) 
III/ Techniques: 
 - Scanning & skimming 
 - Question and answers. 
IV/ Teaching aids: 
- Map of South East Asia, cardboard 
V/ Time & Procedures: 45’ 
Warm – up & - Games: FILL IN 
 Pre-reading - gives some words, Ss have to select the suitable word to fill 
 (15’) in the gap. 
 - Answer key: 
 1. Population: 
 . Population: 22 million 
 . Official language: Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese, English, Tamil 
 . Religion: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism 
 . Currency: ringgit (devided into 100sen) 
 . Capital: Kuala Lumpua 
 2. Climate: 
 . Average temperature: 30ºC 
 . Average rainfall: 1000mm 
 3. Geographical features: 
 . Surface area: 329,758 km2 
 . Mountain: 
 . River. 
 - T asks Ss to tell he meaning of these words ( Ss may sdy 
 wrongly) “ area, population, climate, unit of currency, 
 official religion, national language, compulsory, second . Where did she go? When did she get there? 
 . Who saw her at the station 
 . What did she do?/visit/eat/buy? 
 . Where will she go tomorrow? 
 . How does she feel now? What does she like? 
 . When and How will she come back home? 
 . What verb tense is used in the first part/main part/conclusion? 
While writing - Ss discuss in group of 4 what to write in their letter. 
(22’) - Ss write letter in groups. 
Post writing (10’) - T chooses 1-2 letters to show to the whole class and corrects. 
Homework (5’) Ss do exercise 1, 3 (Textbook) 
VI Self – evaluation: 
Period: 6 
Teaching Date: 
 Lesson 6: Language Focus 
I Objectives: 
- Ss have chance to review the grammar points in Unit 1: (the past simple & past simple 
with “wish”) 
II Language content: 
 - The past simple tense 
 - Past simple with WISH 
III Teaching aids: 
 - Posters, pictures 
IV Techniques: 
 - Gap filling. 
 - Questions and answers 
 - Guessing 
V Time & procedures: 45’ 
Warm – up (7’) CONCENTRATION Game 
 On teacher’s paper: 
 1. bought 2. bring 3. found 4. did 5. came 
 6. brought 7. drink 8. bit 9. drank 10. bite 
 11. eat 12. buy 13. find 14. do 15. got 
 16. eat 17. some18. ate 19. blow 20. get 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_9_unit_1_a_visit_from_a_pen_pal.pdf