Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 3: A trip to the countryside

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 3: A trip to the countryside
 (T uses simple English and pictures to explain the meaning of the new 
 -T has ss play the game NET-WORD to review the new- learnt vocabulary 
 While-reading -Ss read the text 
 (10’) -T asks some questions to check ss’ comprehension 
 -Ss do task a/23 
 -T corrects ss’ mistakes if there are any 
 -Ss read the text again and do task b/23 
 -T corrects the mistakes if there are any. 
Post-reading (10’) -T asks ss to talk to each other about the activities they can see in the 
 pictures on page 22 or on their way to their home village and tell their 
 friends whether they like going there or not. 
 Homework (5’) -T asks ss to prepare some information about their own or imagined 
 Suggested ideas: 
 Where is it? 
 How far is it? 
 How can you get there? 
 What is it like? 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
 T has ss number the alphabets then ask ss to guess the code|: 
 18-20-21-4-25-19-14-7/1-2-18-15-1-4 _ studying abroad 
Presentation (10’) -T has ss read the questions in exercise a/24 
 -T asks ss some questions to lead in the topic (T can use a picture) 
 Can you guess where it is? 
 How do you know? 
Practice (15’) -T has ss read the questions and answer them 
 -Ss play the role of A and B 
 -Ss talk about their real home villige 
 (Ss play the roles and work in groups) 
Production (10’) -Ss work in pairs (talk about their real home village) 
 -T asks some representatives to perform in front of the class 
Homework (5’) -T has ss write a passage to describe their home village (about 80 words) 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 3: Listen 
-Ss are able to practice listening for specific information and are able to ask for and give 
information about their own village 
II/Language content: 
-Vocabulary: route, pond, parking lot, (n) 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 4: Read 
After learning the lesson, ss may: 
-develop reading skill. 
-have more knowledge of the activities in the American countryside. 
II/Language content: 
-Questions and answers 
-Taking survey 
IV/Teaching aids: 
-A picture of a village, OHP 
V/Time and procedures: 45' 
Warm-up (5’) -Game : “Guessing the content” 
 T has ss number the alphabets then ask ss to guess the code|: 
 18-20-21-4-25-19-14-7/1-2-18-15-1-4 _ studying abroad. 
Presentation (10’) -T has ss read the questions in exercise a/24 
 -T asks ss some questions to lead in the topic (T can use a picture) 
 Can you guess where it is? 
 How do you know? 
Practice (15’) -T has ss read the questions and answer them 
Warm-up (5’) -T has ss sing the song “The farmer in the dell” 
 -T asks ss some questions to lead in the topic 
 Suggested questions 
 Have you gone for a picnic ? 
 How did you travel? 
 (T asks ss 6 questions, if ss can answer them, they will get a letter 
 from the word PICNIC) 
Pre-writing (10’) -T shows 5 pictures and has ss observe to ask and answer questions 
 about the activities in the pictures 
While-riting (15’) -Ss work in group to build the sentence basing on the given cues. 
 -Ss write the passage in group and then has the other groups have a 
 look and give remarks if there are any. 
 Suggested passage 
 “It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic. We 
 took a bus to the countryside and then walked about 20 minutes to the 
 picnic site next to the river. We put down the blanket and laid out the 
 food. After the meal we played the games “What song is it?” and blind 
 man’s buff. Late in the afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed our 
 picnic. When we looked at the time it was nearly 6.30 pm. We 
 hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop. We were lucky to 
 catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening.” 
Post-writing (10’) -T has ss tell some experiences that happened to them in the past, using 
 the past simple tense. 
Homework (5’) -Ss write the passage again 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
 Suggested verbs: 
 Eat- ate, go- went, break- broke, tell- told, teach- taught, bend- bent, 
 think- thought, gather- gathered, feel- felt, see- saw. 
Today’s lesson 1.Task 1 
(33’) -T asks ss to look at the pictures and make sentences with “wish” 
 (notice the past subjunctive used after “wish” 
 S+ wish+ S+ V( past subjunctive) 
 S+ wish+ S+ could/would+ V(base form) 
 -Answer keys: 
 Hoa wishes she could visit her parents 
 I wish I could pass the exam 
 We wish it didn’t rain 
 He wishes he could fly 
 They wish they stayed in Hue 
 2.Task 2 
 -T has ss review the usage of the prepositions of time 
 -Ss use the information in the box to do task a and b 
 Notes : 
 At: time 
 Till: from Monday till Sunday 
 On: the day 
 After: time or a point of time 
 Between: 2 periods of time 
 3.Task 3 
 (T and ss carry out the same steps like the activities above) 
 4.Task 4 
 -T has ss recognize the adverbial clause of result and the adverbial 
 clause of reason with “so” and “because” 
 -Ss do task 4 in group 
Homework (5’) -T has ss copy the sentences into their notebooks 
VI/Self - evaluation 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_9_unit_3_a_trip_to_the_countryside.pdf