Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy
 (v) drip, suggest 
 (adj) energy- saving 
While- reading -T asks ss to listen to the tape twice 
(20’) -T has ss do task a (practice the dialogue with a partner) 
 -T has ss do task b 
 -Ss discuss if the statements are true or false, and correct 
 the false ones (give reasons if necessary) 
 -T explains the structure 
 Suggest + verb- ing 
Post- reading (7’) -Ss use the above structure to make suggestions on 
 saving energy, using the pictures on p.57 
Homework (3’) -T has ss do exercise 3 (WB/p58) 
 -Ss write three sentences about the things they should do 
 to save energy 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 2: Speak 
After learning the lesson, ss may: 
-develop speaking skill. 
-give and respond to suggestions 
II/Language content: 
-Expressions used in giving and responding to suggestions 6. respiratory 
 -T has ss play the game networds (about the problems of 
 saving energy) 
 Practice (20’) -T shows some pictures and asks ss to describe them (T 
 explains new words ) 
 -T gives examples to introduce new structures 
 -T explains and give the structures to make suggestions 
 and responds to these suggestions 
 Production - Ss work in groups to give out an action plan to save 
 (10’) energy for their own class 
 - T correct the mistakes if there are any 
 T summarizes the content of the speaking and gives the 
 information of behavior 
 Homework (5’) -Ss write 5 sentences about saving energy (use suggest + 
VI/Self – evaluation 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 3: Listen 
-After learning the lesson, Ss will know more about the solar energy Slitnal : install 
 While-listening -Ss predict if the sentences in task a are true of false 
 (10’) -Ss listen and do task a 
 -Ss do task b after listening again 
 Post-listening -Ss discuss the advantages of solar energy and write an 
 (10’) assignment about this problem 
 Homework (5’) -Ss write the assignment they have discussed in class 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 4: Read 
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to 
 develop their reading skill 
 understand and seek information what they have learnt 
II/Language content: 
 nouns: bulb, label, appliance, innovation, household 
 adjective: efficiency 
 adverb: ultimately 
III/Techniques: Household (n) 
 Replace (v) 
 Account for (v) 
 Efficiency (adj) 
 Ultimately (adv) 
 -Ss read the text carefully and find out the information to 
 answer the questions in task b 
 * Suggested answers 
 1. They are interested in products that will not only work 
 effectively but also save money. 
 2. We can spend less on lighting by replacing an 
 ordinary 100- watt light bulb with an energy- saving 
 3. She will have to pay 2USD if she uses 2 energy- 
 saving bulb instead 
 4. To tell consumers how energy efficient each model is, 
 compared with other appliances in the same category 
 We should save energy to save and conserve the Earth’s 
 Post-reading -Ss discuss the problem about the advantages and 
 (10’) disavantages of using electricity 
 Homework (5’) -Ss write the assignment about the problem they have 
 discussed about in class 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
 Warm-up (5’) -Ss play the word game (guessing the word) “This word 
 has 6 letters. It is used to show someone’s ideas about 
 something. What is it?” (speech) 
 Pre- writing -T asks Ss to see a sample speech and distinguish the 
 (10’) quantity and the names of the part of the letter. 
 -T asks Ss to tell the function of each part 
 -Ss do task a/page 61 
 -T explains and corrects the task (1b- 2c- 3a) 
 -T asks Ss to do task b/61,62 
 -T uses the ) OHP to correct the Ss’ mistakes if there are 
 While- writing -Ss choose one of the topic on page 62, discussing and 
 (15’) writing 
 Homework (5’) -Ss write a speech on saving water 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
 (Ss write down 5 phrasal verb) 
 -T calls out each word (which have been prepared) 
 -Ss listen to the teacher carefully. If anyone has the same 
 verb + prepositions, they cross it out. The first ss 
 crossing out all 5 verbs + prepositions shout “Bingo” 
 and win the game. 
 * Suggested list of verb + prepositions 
 Look for 
 Turn on 
 Want for 
 Depend on 
 Listen to 
 Dream about 
 Look after 
 Turn off 
 Belong to 
 Go on 
 Talk to 
 Turn down 
 Presentation -T provides Ss 5 verbs + prepositions and asks them to 
 (15’) match the verb with the pictures on page 64 
 -T has Ss do brainstorming task (Ss think of connectives 
 that they have learnt, go to the board and write down the 
Practice (15’) -Ss work in pairs to do LF 2 exercises on page 63. They 

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  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_9_unit_7_saving_energy.pdf