Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 9: Natural disasters

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 9: Natural disasters

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 9: Natural disasters
 Do you think the weather forecast is useful for us? 
 -T introduces the context and plays the tape 
 -T teaches the new words 
 Turn up (v) (mime) 
 Expect (v) (translation) 
 Thunderstorm (n) (picture) 
 Delta (n) (example) 
 -T asks Ss to repeat individually and chorally 
 Practice (15’) -T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in groups of three 
 -T calls on some students to play the roles of Thuy and her 
 grandmother and the weatherman to practice the dialogue 
 -T has Ss read the dialogue silently and do the task (2b/ 75) 
 -Ss do the task and compare their answers with their friend’s 
 Production -T asks Ss to look at the map which shows the weather of some 
 (10’) provinces and fill in the charts 
 -T corrects the mistakes if there are any 
 -Ss tell the weather of each provinces, base on the forecast 
 Homework (3’) -Ss do exercise 1 (WB/58) and write some sentences about the 
 weather forecast 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 2: Speak 
I/Objectives: Practice (20’) -T has Ss do the task/ 36 and explains the expressions of giving 
 opinions and showing agreement 
 -Ss work in pairs and then represent their ideas in front of the 
 class, T corrects the mistakes if there are any 
 Production (11’) -T asks Ss to discuss the questions “What should you do to help 
 your family when there is a typhoon?” 
 Homework (5’) -T asks Ss to make a list of the things we should do to prepare for 
 an earthquake 
VI/Self – evaluation 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 3: Listen 
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to 
-get to know some ideas on how to live with earthquake through sentence completion 
-listen to the talk better, identify and catch key words for the answer-Students listen for 
specific information to fill in the missing words 
-Ss will be able to complete the song by filling in the missing words 
II/Language content: 
-Vocabulary: earthquake zone 
-Questions and answers Week: 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 4: Read 
After learning the lesson, Ss may get more information about naturals 
disasters in the world 
II/Language content: 
-Vocabulary: words related to the natural disasters 
-Grammar: relative pronoun “which” 
-Questions and answers 
IV/Teaching aids: 
- OHP 
-A picture of computer 
V/Time and procedures: 45' 
VI/Self - evaluation: 
 pre- writing and answer the questions 
 (10’) What are the people doing in each pictures? 
 What do you think of the pitures? 
 -T explains the content of the pictures 
 While- writing -Ss discuss in group of 4 about what to write for their 
 (20’) story. T has Ss present their result on the screen and then 
 corrects the mistakes in there are any. 
 -T reviews the verb tenses: past simple and past 
 Post- writing -T has Ss tell the whole story, using the suggested words 
 (10’) in groups of 4 
 -T enquires some students to retell the story in front of 
 the class, using the pictures 
 Homework (5’) -T has Ss write the story which they can imagine about 
 the experiences they have had 
VI/Self – evaluation 
Teaching date: 
 Lesson 6: Language Focus 
I/Objectives: 3. May Day is the day when 
 4. Valentine’s Day is the day when 
 5. July 4 is the day when 
 6. Mother’s Day is the day when 
 Presentation -T tells Ss how to identify a relative clause 
 (10’) Relative clauses without comas are called “defining” or 
 “identifying clauses”. They provide essential information 
 about the subject or object 
 Relative clauses with comas are called “non- defining 
 clauses”. They provide additional information, which can 
 be omitted/ removed 
 Practice (13’) -T tells Ss to do exercise 1, join 2 sentences, using relative clauses 
 -T asks Ss to study the pictures in the book and use the relative 
 clause to describe each of the people in the pictures, follow the 
 examples in the book 
 Presentation 2 -Though, although, even though+ clause (these express the 
 (5’) opposite ideas) 
 Practice (5’) -T has Ss do exercise 3, join the sentences, use the words in the 
 brackets. T asks Ss to compare the sentences with their friends 
 Practice (5’) -T tells Ss to do exercise 4, look at the picture to complete the 
 sentences by using “though, although, even though” 
VI/Self - evaluation 

File đính kèm:

  • pdfgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_9_unit_9_natural_disasters.pdf