Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy

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Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy
1. Bill has seen her novels, and my girl friend.....................
2. We are going to the circus tonight, and ............................ Sue.
3. She will wear s skirt to the dance, and we........................
4. Sagan was a famous write and Hemingway .....................
5. I’ve seen that movie, and .................................................... Kerry.
Supply the correct form of the verb in each of the following sentences. Cung cấp dạng thức 
đúng của động từ vào mỗi câu sau đây.
1. Henry like to fly, and his youngest brother ..................... too.
2. They will leave at dawn, and we ....................................... too.
3. She has an early appointment, and so .............................. I .
4. He has already written his plan, and so ............................ his friend.
5. Their flight is arriving at twelve o’clock, and so ............ mine.
Supply the correct form of the verb in each of the following sentences. Cung cấp dạng đúng của 
động từ vào mỗi câu sau đây.
1. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so ..................................................... Julie .
2. We like to swim in the pool, and Jack .............................. too.
3. Our Dutch teacher loves to treavel, and so ...................... we.
4. His classmate has lived in Hue for five years, and I ...................................................... too.
5. I must keep in touch with Bill and Fred ........................... too.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of either or neither. Điền vào những khoảng trống bằng 
dạng thức đúng của either hoặc neither.
1. I didn’t see Mary this morning and kerry ........................ . 
3. I haven’t worked there long, and neither ......................... Monica.
4. You didn’t borrow the reference book from the library, and Henry ........................... either.
5. Mrs Allen didn’t want to drink anything, and neither ..Mr Allen.
Supply the correct form of the missing verb in the following sentences. Cung cấp dạng đúng của 
động từ còn thiếu trong những câu sau đây.
1. I shouldn’t run so fast, and neither ................................... you.
2. The students won’t agree with the dean’s decision, and the faculty ........................... either.
3. You term hasn’t begun yet, and neither ........................... mine.
4. Dick couldn’t attend the swimming course, and my younger brother ......................... either.
5. My classmates didn’t answer the questions from our form-teacher, and neither ......  I .
Make the sentences using the words given. Thành lập câu bằng cách sử dụng những từ cho sẵn.
1. Fred have/ take/ taxi/ work because the street/ too/ crowded.
2. George/ not drive/ work/ because there/ no parking space.
3. She/ have/ leave/ car/ home because/ petrol/ expensive.
4. Lots of commuters prefer buses/ because/ traffic jam/ usually take place/ every day.
5. I did it/ because he tell/ me/ to.
Make the sentences using the words given. Thành lập câu bằng cách sử dụng từ cho sẵn.
1. your sister/ is/ older/ than/ younger/ or/ you?
2. a girl/ or/ it/ a boy/ is?
3. It/ can/ grey/ or/ black/ be/ white.
4. She/ or/ can’t/ write/ read.
5. There/ without/ homes/ are/ people/ or/ families/ jobs.
3. My train leaves at seven tomorrow morning. Will you come and ..me off ?
4. The scout .on his bike and hurried away to get help.
5. She doesn’t on with her family. That’s why she doesn’t live at home.
Put in the appropriate verb. Điền vào động từ thích hợp.
1. That new company is doing very well, the manager has just ..on fifty new workers.
2. The balloon ..of at eight and climbed rapidly into the stormy sky.
3. She ..off her sweater and hung it up.
4. He flew his plane under the bridges of the Thames. Why did he do that?
 I suppose he was just off.
5. His house was damaged by floods so he had to .off the guests he had invited 
for the following weekend.
Fill up the spaces in each of the following sentences by inserting a verb + up, or a verb + up + 
preposition combination. Điền đầy đủ vào các khoảng chừa trống trong những câu sau đây 
bằng cách xen vào dạng thức kết hợp động từ +up hoặc động từ + up + giới từ.
1. It is ..factory owners to provide fire: fighting equipment in their factories.
2. Unfortunately he was ..by his parents to believe that money was the only thing 
that mattered.
3. The party didn’t ..till 3 a.m and the guests left very noisily.
4.He ran after her and soon her, then they went on together.
5. Grandfather to grandchild: “Your clothes are covered with mud, what have you ?”
Fill up the spaces in each of the following sentences by interesting a verb + up, or a verb + up + 
preposition combination. Điền đầy đủ vào các khoảng chừa trống trong những câu sau đây 
bằng cách xen vào dạng thức kết hợp động từ + up hoặc động từ + up + giới từ.
1. I ..a 20p piece that I saw lying on the ground. 
Replace the words or underlined phrases by phrasal verbs. Some of the sentences may sound 
awkward as they stand. Thay thế từ hoặc cụm từ được gạch dưới bằng cụm động từ. Một số từ 
hoặc cụm từ được gạch dưới bằng cụm từ trong câu có thể nghe có vẻ vụng về khi chúng đứng 
trong câu.
1. He’s had the best doctor available but he won’t recover unless he has the will to live.
2. Be careful! The tree’s going to fall!
3. Never postpone till tomorrow what you can do today.
4. I regard her as the greatest living novelist.
5. He dressed himself in uniform for the occasion.
Translate the following sentences into English. Dịch những câu sau đây sang tiếng Anh.
1. Tôi đã đề nghị hái nhiều hoa trong vườn hoa.
2. Cô ta đã đề nghị sửa chữa những lỗi sai trong bài diễn văn.
3. Alice đã đề nghị dẫn bọn trẻ đi xem xiếc.
4. Tôi đã đề nghị thay đổi kế hoạch mới.
5. Ông ấy đã đề nghị gởi thư mời đến cô ấy.
Translate the following sentences into English. Dịch những câu sau đây sang tiếng Anh.
1. Ông ấy đã đề nghị là kế hoạch nên hủy bỏ.
2. Mẹ cô ấy đã đề nghị là cô ấy nên chấp nhận lời đề nghị của cậu ta.
3. Tôi đã đề nghị là nhà trường nên lập một danh sách.
4. Mọi người đã đề nghị là công ty nên nhận thêm công nhân.
5. Cậu ta đã đề nghị là cô ấy nên đợi ở bên ngoài.
2. does
3. do
4. have
5. must
1. didn’t either
2. won’t either
3. neither have
4. neither could
5. neither did
1. neither should
2. neither do
3. either
4. neither did
5. neither could
1. either
2. neither
3. either
4. either
5. either
1. are
2. can’t 
4. A storm is going to happen se we have to return home early.
5. The little boy was too short so I had to take hime.
1. so
2. therefore
3. therefore
4. therefore
5. therefore
1. Though she’s rather intelligent however very modest.
2. We went on hoping however there was no news.
3. However he is often rude to me but I like him.
4. However carefully I explained she till didn’t understand.
5. She has the window open, however cold it is outside.
1. come 2. put 3. see 4. got 5, get
1. taken 2. took 3. took 4. showing 5. put
1. up to 2. brought up 3. break up
4. caught up with 5. been up to
1. picked up 2. make up for 3. pick up 4. lock up 5. 
pulled up
1. talk over 2. cut down 3. come/ go down 4. were over 5. turn over

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