Ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy

Ôn tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 11: Keep fit, stay healthy
 39. fill in = fill out (v) : điền vào
40. missing information (n) : thơng tin thiếu 
41. How + adj ...? = What + N...? : như thế nào
Ex : How tall ...? → What ... height? : Chiều cao bao nhiêu?
 How heavy ...? → What’s .... weight? : Cân nặng bao nhiêu?
1. Would you open your mouth, please? : Vui lịng há miệng ra?
 Would you get on the scales, please ?
 → Note: Would + S + V(bare)?
2. How heavy are you? = What is your weight?: bạn nặng bao nhiêu kí?
3. How tall are you? = What is your height?: bạn cao bao nhiêu?
 →Note: How + adj. ? = What + + N?
4. Did your mom write a sick note for you?: Mẹ cĩ viết đơn xin phép cho con khơng?
 →Note: Did + S+ V (bare)?
5. What was wrong with you ? = What was the matter with you ? 
6. Were you ever absent from school last semester?: Bạn cĩ nghỉ học vào học kì rồi khơng?
1. absent from: vắng mặt
2. wrong with = the matter with: vấn đề xảy ra với 
3. fill in: điền vào..
4. symptom of: triệu chứng của 
5. wait for: chờ đợi ai
6. try  on : thử 
7. buy/ bought .. for : mua cái gì cho ai
8. hundreds of: hàng trăm
9. thousands of: hàng nghàn
10. millions of: hàng triệu 
 1- Her ___________is one meter 50 centimeters .(tallness – height – tall – high)
 2- H e got a __________________ from the doctor. (paper – note – measure – pain)
 3- The common cold is a common ______________. (sickness – disease – pain – would)
 4- He worked in the hot sun yesterday. Now , he _________ a cold.(takes – makes – catches 
 – keeps)
 5- It is not easy to ___________the height of a baby. (take – decide – measure – cure )
 6- This medicine will help ____________your pain . (cure – disappear – relieve – take off)
 7- The nurse __________________their temperature. (takes – gives – measures – makes)
 8- I need to weigh you .Would you get on the ______, please? (table – bench – scales – chair)
 9- Stand straight please . The nurse wants __________your height.(measure – measuring – to 
 10- Coughing and sneezing are ______________of a cold.(measures – signs – signals – 
 symptoms ) II/. Read the passage, then write True or False.
 Do you want to be healthy? Perhaps you need to go on diet. Start the day by drinking a glass 
 of water orange juice but no coffee or tea, and no milk or sugar, please! 
For lunch, don’t eat any fried foodsFrench fries, or burgers, for exampleSome grilled fish, 
perhaps with some green vegetables, is really good for you!
Don’t eat any desserts which contain cream, butter or chocolate! If you’re still hungry, eat some 
fruit or some nuts – they’re really healthy! And to drink just water! It hasn’t got any calories 
so you can drink as much as you want.
For dinner, have some soup and bread. ( but remember – no butter). It’s simplebut delicious.
Notes: go on diet (ăn kiêng); fried foods ( thức ăn chiên ); burger (bánh hăm bơ gơ);grilled 
fish ( cá nướng); dessert ( lasét); nut ( hạt dẻ)
 1. We shouldn’t drink coffee or milk. __________
 2. French fries or burgers, etc. are good for our lunch. __________
 3. We should eat grilled fish with some vegetables for lunch. __________
 4. We shouldn’t eat too much candy after lunch. __________
 5. We should have soup and bread for our dinner. __________
III/. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.
Long often eats (1) _________ candy. So he gets a bad (2) _________. He has to see a (3) 
_________. He feels a little scared. He is now sitting in Dr. Mai’s (4) _________. She is very 
kind. She looks at him and calms him. She says: “Don’t worry, Long. You have two small 
(5)_________. They aren’t serious. I’ll fill them. The other teeth are fine”. Then she fills the 
cavities in Long’s teeth. He feels very happy. After that she advises him how to (6) _________ 
of his teeth.
1. A. lots B. much C. a lot D. many
2. A. backache B. headache C. toothache D. stomachache
3. A. doctor B. dentist C. nurse D. artist
4. A. doctor’s B. surgery C. hospital D. house
5. A. toothache B. teethache C. cavities D. cavity
6. A. look after B. brush C. clean D. take care
IV-Write complete sentences from the cues : (1,5 pts)
1. go to / Did you / the zoo / last week / ? 
 Did you_______________________________________________________________________________
2. you at /I saw / the party / last night. 
 I saw _________________________________________________________________________________
3. My mother / a yellow cap / gave me/ 
 My mother ____________________________________________________________________________
4. for me / Mrs. Mai / the dress /made / 
 Mrs. Mai _____________________________________________________________________________
1/. hate = don’t/ doesn’t like + V_ing: ghét
 like = don’t/ doesn’t hate + V_ing : thích
 take care of = look after : chăm sĩc I/ MULTIPLE CHOICE : Đ ÁP ÁN
 1. Her ___________is one meter 50 centimeters .(tallness – height – tall – high)
 2. He got a __________________ from the doctor. (paper – note – measure – pain)
 3. The common cold is a common ______________. (sickness – disease – pain – would)
 4. He worked in the hot sun yesterday. Now , he _________ a cold.(takes – makes – catches – 
 5. It is not easy to ___________the height of a baby. (take – decide – measure – cure )
 6. This medicine will help ____________your pain . (cure – disappear – relieve – take off)
 7. The nurse __________________their temperature. (takes – gives – measures – makes)
 8. I need to weigh you . Would you get on the ______, please? (table – bench – scales – chair)
 9. Stand straight please . The nurse wants __________your height.(measure – measuring – to 
 10. Coughing and sneezing are ______________of a cold.(measures – signs – signals – 
 symptoms )
 11. Where can I get medicines for a cold ? – At the _____.(bookstore – supermarket – 
 drugstore- police station)
 12. These medicines don’t really _______________ a cold .(kill – get out – give up – cure)
 13. The cold will last for a few days , then your cold will _______after a few days.(appear – 
 disappear- happen)
 14. When you have _________, your temperature is high. (fever – pain – sneeze – cough)
 15. I have a pain in my head. I have a ______________. (stomachache – backache – earache – 
 16. Long was absent ______________class yesterday. (of – from –away – off)
 17. She has a pain ____________ her back. (in – on – away – from)
 18. They are waiting _________________ the doctor. (at – for – in – after)
 19. Lan didn’t go to school yesterday . What was wrong _______her?(with – about – of – for)
 20. The students fill______their medical records and gave them to the nurse. (on – at – in – off)
 21. You ____________ stay inside at recess. It’s cold outside.(ought – have – should – would)
 22. My neighbor bought the material and _______ the dress for me. ( did, made , worked, 
 23. She decided to learn _________________ to sew. ( what, which, where , how)
 24. She makes beautiful dresses. She’s a good____.( dress-worker, dress-doer, dressmaker, 
 dress-cutter )
 25. She is a _________ student . She can learn quickly. ( clever , well , different , useful ) 
 26. She thought sewing was a _____ hobby. It helped her to make clothes. ( harmful, useful, 
 healthful, playful ) 
 27. The skirt is too big. It doesn’t ________ me very well at all . ( fit, suit, match , help)
 28. Hoa watched Mrs Mai ___________ her dress. ( do , make, work, practice)
 29. Liz _______ the colorful little fish were the most beautiful. ( thought, ate, bought, put )
 30. She ___________ the cap with a picture of a dolphin all day. ( bought, wore, put, thought ) 
 31. She didn’t want to eat the beautiful fish, so she ate noodles_____. (instead , another , 
 other, most ) 
 32. The food was ____________. ( delicious, tired, badly, well ) 
 33. There was a ____ shop near the exit of the aquarium. ( gifts, presents, souvenir, memorials)
 34. We _________ Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium. ( came , visited, went, looked )
 35. He’s a new student. Everything is________________ to him.(careful – strange – old))
 36. She is very ________________. She always helps everyone.(scared – kind – serious)
 37. Brushing your teeth is very__________________.(serious – worried – important)
 38. His decaying tooth is very_________________.(kind – serious – important – scared)
 39. I hate the ____________ of the drill.(music – sound – noise) 4. for me / Mrs. Mai / the dress /made / 
  Mrs. Mai made the dress for me.
1/. hate = don’t/ doesn’t like + V_ing: ghét
 like = don’t/ doesn’t hate + V_ing : thích
 take care of = look after : chăm sĩc
2/. How tall ...? → What ... height?: Chiều cao bao nhiêu?
 How heavy ...? → What’s .... weight?: Cân nặng bao nhiêu?
1.He takes care of his sick grandfather. 
 He looks afterhis sick grandfather.
 2. We look after the street children 
 We take care of the street children.
 3. You take care of your garden after school. 
 You look after your garden after school.
 4. I hate the sound of the drill. 
 I don’t like the sound of the drill.
 5. He hates drinking wine. 
 He doesn’t like drinking wine.
 6. We like playing soccer. 
 We doesn’t hate playing soccer.
 7. She doesn’t like watching TV. 
 She hates watching TV.
 8. I hate reading books. 
 I don’t like reading book.
 9. How tall are you?
 What’s is your height ?
 10. What’s your weight?
 How heavy are you ?
 11. How heavy is she ?
 What’s her weight ?
 12. What’s his height?
 How tall is he ?

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