Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Theme 2: School

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Theme 2: School
Suggested Lesson Plan for i-Learn Smart World 
 3. Have students practice the useful language. 
 Unscramble the sentences 
 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Have students unscramble the sentences. 
 3. Have students check their answers with a partner. 
 4. Check answer as a whole class. 
 5. Have pairs practice saying the sentences. 
 6. Have some students read their answers in front of the class. 
 a. Isolate 
 Focus on the example and briefly explain the focus. 
 b. Model (CD1-22) 
 1. Have students listen and notice the pronunciation feature 
 2. Play audio once and draw attention to the pronunciation feature 
 c. Practice 
 Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat with a focus on the feature. 
 Practice the conversation 
 1. Have students look at the conversation. 
 2. Divide the class into pairs and have them practice the conversation. 
 3. Swap roles and repeat. 
 4. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class. 
 School Subjects Survey 
 a. You’re doing a survey about subjects in school. Work in fours. Talk about school subjects and 
 your favorite ones and complete the survey by drawing faces. 
 1. Demonstrate the activity by asking one student the first two questions. 
 2. Have students ask you the same question. 
 3. Divide the class into groups of four. 
 4. Have students complete the survey. 
 b. Which subjects are the most popular in your group? Share with the class. 
 1. Have students look at their answers and decide which subjects are the most popular in their 
 2. Have some students share their findings with the class. 
 Grade 6 – Theme 2: School Period 11-12 
 Lesson 1 - Objectives: use vocabulary to talk about what you like and what you don’t like about school and your favorite subject 
Suggested Lesson Plan for i-Learn Smart World 
 Grade 6 – Theme 2: School Period 13-14 
 Lesson 2 - Objectives: by the end of this lesson, students can: 
 - ask and answer about school activities 
 - use Present Simple tense for something that is true in the present 
 Topic – Language target Resources and Teaching Aids Key Activities 
 Vocabulary: Resources: Aims 
 School activities STUDENT’s BOOK p.16-17 1. Have students look at the lesson aims as you read them aloud. 
 2. Have students look at the examples from the Useful Language box. 
 3. Explain that by the end of the lesson, they'll be able to use the same language. 
 New words 
 a. Match the words with the descriptions. Check with a partner. Listen and repeat. (CD1-23) 
 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Have students match the words with the descriptions. 
 3. Divide the class into pairs and have them check their answers with their partners. 
 Grammar: 4. Play audio. Have students listen and repeat. 
 Use Present Simple tense for Teaching Aids: b. With your partner, discuss three activities that your school has. Share with the class. 
 something that is true in the CD1-Track 23, 24, 25, 26 1. Have pairs think of three activities they have at their school. 
 present 2. Elicit their answers and write them on the board. 
 a. Two students are talking about school activities. Listen and write “True” or “False”. (CD1 – 24) 
 1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Play audio and have students listen and write “True” or “False” 
 3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. 
 b. Circle the correct words. Listen again and check. 
 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Have students circle the correct words. 
 3. Play audio again. Have students listen and check. 
 Useful language 
 Listen then practice (CD1-25) 
 1. Have students look at the Useful Language box. 
 2. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language. 
 3. Have students practice the useful language. 
 Fill in the blanks 
 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Have students fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 
 3. Have students check their answers with a partner. 
Suggested Lesson Plan for i-Learn Smart World 
 2. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 Grammar: 3. Have students unscramble the words. 
 Use Present Simple tense for 4. Check answers as a whole class. 
 something that is true in the b. Fill in the blanks using the words in Exercise a. 
 present 1. Have students read the sentences. 
 2. Have students look at the blanks in the sentences. 
 3. Draw students’ attention to the words in Exercise a. 
 4. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 5. Have students read each sentence and fill in the blank. Using the words in Exercise a. 
 6. Check answers as a whole class. 
 a. Number the sentences to make a conversation. 
 1. Have students look at the conversation. 
 2. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 3. Have students number the sentences to make a conversation. 
 4. Have students check their answers with partners. 
 5. Check answers as a whole class. 
 b. Write full questions and answers using the given words and your own ideas. 
 1. Have students look at the given words. 
 2. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 3. Have students write full questions using the given words. 
 4. Have students write answers using their own ideas. 
 5. Have students check their answers with a partner. 
 6. Check answers as a whole class. 
 Read Rita and Robert’s information. Write a paragraph to suggest which club they should sign up 
 for and why. 
 1. Have students look at Rita and Robert’s information. 
 2. Have students read the information in the School Clubs box. 
 3. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 4. Have students write a paragraph to suggest which club they should sign up for and why. 
 5. Divide the class into pairs and have students check their answers with their partners. 
 6. Check answers as a whole class. 
Suggested Lesson Plan for i-Learn Smart World 
 8. Discussion. 
 1. Divide the class into groups of four. 
 2. Have students discuss in their groups who stole the car. 
 3. Have students say who did it, why they did it and how they know. 
 4. Have students write their ideas with the class. 
 9. We know who did it! (CD1-31) 
 1. Play audio and have students listen to Matt and Milly say who did it, and how they know. 
 2. Have students compare their ideas with Matt and Milly’s 
 Grade 6 – Theme 2: School Period 15-16 
 Lesson 3 - Objectives: develop reading comprehension skill 
 Topic – Language target Resources and Teaching Aids Key Activities 
 Resources: New Words 
 WORKBOOK p.16-17 a. Unscramble the words. 
 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Have students unscramble the words. 
 3. Check answers as a whole class. 
 a. Look at the given information on page 17. Match the characters to the information. 
 1. Have students look at characters. 
 2. Draw students’ attention to information A-E. 
 3. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 4. Have students match the characters to the information. 
 5. Check answers as a whole class. 
 b. Read the story Matt and Milly in Toy Trouble again. Fill in the blanks using the words in the box. 
 1. Have students read the story again. 
 2. Draw students’ attention to the words in the box. 
 3. Have students read sentences. 
 4. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 5. Have students read the story and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 
 6. Have students check their answers with partners. 
 7. Check answers as a whole class. 
 c. Read the story Matt and Milly in Toy Trouble again. Circle True or False. 
 1. Have students look at the story. 
 2. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 3. Have students read the story and circle True or False. 
 4. Check answers as a whole class. 
Suggested Lesson Plan for i-Learn Smart World 
 4. Have students fill in the blanks. 
 5. Check answers as a whole class. 
 b. Read the text again and write “True” or “False”. 
 1. Have students read the text again. 
 2. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 3. Have students write “True” or “False”. 
 4. Check answers as a whole class. 
 Famous Vietnamese from the Past 
 a. You’re doing a history project about famous Vietnamese people of the past. Work in pairs. Talk 
 about the famous people below. 
 1. Have students look at the conversation. 
 2. Divide the class into pairs and have them role-play the conversation. 
 3. Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class. 
 b. Now, talk about other famous people from the past that you know. Share with the class. 
 1. Have students talk about any other famous Vietnamese from history that they know. 
 2. Have some students share with the class. 
 Write a short paragraph about a famous Vietnamese person from the past. 
 1. Demonstrate the activity. 
 2. Have students write a paragraph about a famous Vietnamese person from the past. 
 3. Have some students read their writing in front of the class. 
 Grade 6 – Theme 2: School Period 17-18 
 Lesson 4 - Objectives: - develop reading comprehension skill 
 - use vocabulary to write a paragraph about one famous Vietnamese person 
 - use Past Simple tense 
 Topic – Language target Resources and Teaching Aids Key Activities 
 Vocabulary: Resources: New Words 
 Famous people of the past WORKBOOK p.18-19 a. Look at this code and write the correct words. 
 1. Have students look at the code. 
 2. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 3. Have students look at the code and write the correct words. 
 4. Have students check their answers with partners. 
 5. Check answers as a whole class. 
 Grammar: Read 
Suggested Lesson Plan for i-Learn Smart World 
 Lesson 5 - Objectives: Review and Test practice 
 Topic – Language target Resources and Teaching Aids Key Activities 
 Vocabulary: Resources: Listening 
 Review all vocabulary STUDENT’s BOOK p.22-23 You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one 
 - school subjects and school question for each conversation. Put a tick in the box. (CD1 – 35) 
 activities 1. Play audio and demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 - famous people in the past 2. Play audio. Have students listen and put a tick in the correct boxes. 
 3. Play audio again and check answers as a whole class. 
 Structure: Teaching Aids: Which notice (A-G) says this (1-5)? For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-G. 
 Review all structures CD1 - Track 35 1. Demonstrate the activity using the example. 
 2. Have students read the statements individually and mark the letters A-G. 
 3. Check answers as a whole class. 
 Play the “Connect Three” game 
 1. Demonstrate playing the game. 
 2. Divide the class into groups of four. Each group has two teams with two students in each 
 3. Have teams play rock, paper, scissors. The winning team goes first. 
 4. Have the winning team point to a space on the board where they wish to put a mark. Then ask 
 and answer using the prompts. 
 5. If correct, that team can put a mark on the space (an X or O). If incorrect, the next team takes 
 their turn. 
 6. Swap roles and repeat until the game is finished. 
 7. The winners are the team that gets three of their own marks in a row, horizontally, vertically 
 or diagonally. 
 Write a short paragraph about Napoléon Bonaparte. Write 25-35 words. 
 1. Have students look at the information. 
 2. Have students write a 25 to 35-word paragraph about Napoléon Bonaparte. 
 3. Have some students read their writing in front of the class. 
 Grade 6 – Theme 2: School Period 19-20 

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